MicroLogic X Control Unit: Date and Time


MicroLogic X date and time are used for time stamping events to provide a chronological order.

The date and time of the MicroLogic X control unit and the other ULP modules (IFE, EIFE or IFM interface, IO module) of the intelligent modular unit (IMU) are synchronized. Setting the date and time of one module sets the date and time of all the modules of the IMU.

NOTE: The date and time of MicroLogic X and other ULP modules are automatically reset to default value for the date (Jan 01 2000) when the internal battery of the MicroLogic X control unit is removed and the control unit has no other power supply.

Setting the Date and Time Manually

MicroLogic X date and time can be set manually:

oOn MicroLogic X display screen, at Home > Configuration > General > Date & Time. The first component of the date is day (dd) and the second component is month (mm).

oWith EcoStruxure Power Commission software:

oBy manual setting

oBy user-initiated synchronization with date and time of the PC running EcoStruxure Power Commission software

oWith EcoStruxure Power Device app:

oBy manual setting

oBy user-initiated synchronization with date and time of the smartphone running the application

oWith a web browser connected to the IFE or EIFE webpage.

oBy sending a setting command using the communication network (password-protected).

Synchronizing the Date and Time

MicroLogic X date and time can be automatically updated:

oWith the IFE or EIFE Ethernet interface with the following conditions:

oEthernet interface is configured in SNTP mode

oEthernet interface receives an update date and time request from the SNTP server

NOTE: If the MicroLogic X control unit is connected to an Ethernet interface configured in SNTP mode, manual update of the MicroLogic X date and time is possible but is immediately replaced by the date and time of the Ethernet interface.

oWith the IFM Modbus-SL interface receiving an update date and time request from the SNTP server

Predefined Events

The following event is generated when date and time are set manually:





0x1107 (4359)

Date and time set



Recommended Actions



Recommended actions

0x1107 (4359)

Date and time set

Check the date and time displayed on the control unit display screen.