In-Place upgrade
Use an In-Place upgrade to upgrade an older version of PME to the latest version on the same computer. An In-Place upgrade is done with the PME installer. The installer automatically detects an existing, older PME installation and performs an In-Place upgrade instead of a new install.
The installer completes the following steps during an in-place upgrade:
- (Optional) Backing up the existing PME databases.
RECOMMENDATION: We strongly recommend that you back up the databases. Database backups are required for rolling back an unsuccessful upgrade.
- Saving the system settings and configuration.
- Upgrading the databases.
- Uninstalling the old PME software.
- Installing the new PME software.
- Installing the old system settings and configuration.
NOTE: The same PME installer is used to upgrade a Standalone Server, Application Server, or Engineering Client. The installer automatically detects which older components are installed and runs the upgrade accordingly.
Upgrade instructions
NOTE: The PME system will be unavailable, after you start the upgrade, until the upgrade is complete and the new system has been put into service.
unintended equipment operation
● | Before installing the upgrade, verify that the system is not performing critical control actions that may affect human or equipment safety. |
● | Verify correct system operation after the upgrade. |
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
inaccurate data results
● | Before installing the upgrade, verify that the system data results are not used for critical decision making that may affect human or equipment safety. |
● | Verify correct system data results after the upgrade. |
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, equipment damage, or permanent loss of data.
To upgrade the system:
- On the PME application server computer, log in with the local Administrator Windows user account or with an account that is a member of the Administrators group.
- Take PME out of service by informing system users of the outage and disabling any automated system control or third party interactions.
- Close all PME Engineering Client applications (Management Console, Vista, Designer, any Management Console tools).
NOTE: Web client applications can remain open but will experience a service interruption. You need to restart web clients after the upgrade.
- Follow the steps for Installing the PME software. Some of the installer pages differ slightly for system upgrades and new installs. Some pages are not applicable to upgrades and will not be shown. Simply follow the instructions on the installer pages
- After the upgrade, verify the correct operation of the PME system and put the system back into service.
- Restart any web client applications that experienced a service interruption during the upgrade.
Upgrades for Distributed Database architectures
The installer upgrade workflow includes a step which provides the option to automatically back up the databases for Standalone architectures. This option is not available for Distributed Database architectures. For Distributed Database architectures, you need to back up the databases manually on the database server.