Energy Usage by Shift Report

The Energy Usage by Shift Report shows energy consumption for one or more loads broken down by shifts. Use this report to compare energy consumption for different loads and gain an understanding of the operations of your facility or processes.


NOTE: If you generate a report before the end of a shift that spans midnight, a portion of the usage data for that shift is included under the equivalent shift for the current day.


  1. You specify three 8-hour shifts:

    Shift 1: 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
    Shift 2: 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM
    Shift 3: 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM

    NOTE: Shift 3 spans midnight (12:00 a.m.).

  2. Your Reporting Period is Last 7 Days.
  3. You generate the report on day 8 before 7:00 a.m., that is, before the end of Shift 3 for day 7.

The generated report will include usage data under Shift 3 for day 8. However, this shift 3 usage data is the portion of shift 3 from the previous day (day 7) that occurred after midnight. In addition, this allocation of usage data to the next day for shift 3 from midnight to 7:00 a.m. occurs for all the days throughout the reporting period. To avoid this situation, select specific days (Fixed Date) for the Reporting Period.

  • The measurement data must be available as historical data logs in the database.
Report inputs

NOTE: This example only shows selected content from the report, it does not show the entire report.