Alarm Views

Use the alarm view settings to:

  • Change the number of items that are displayed in the alarms display.
  • Change the priority classifications for alarms and incidents.
  • Customize the behavior of the alarm annunciator with these settings.
  • Customize the display of Load Impact events in Alarm and Incident views.

To change how many Incidents, Alarms, and Events are shown in the Alarm Viewer:

  1. Under Display Settings, enter the maximum number you want to be displayed for Incidents, Alarms, and Events in the boxes.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change the Alarm Viewer update interval:

  1. Under Display Settings, select the Update Interval.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To turn the Alarm Annunciator on or off:

  1. Under Annunciator, turn Enable on or off.

    When the Annunciator is turned off, it is not visible in the Web Applications banner.

  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change what type of state counts are shown in the Alarm Annunciator:

  1. Under Annunciator, select the state type for Show counts for.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change the Alarm priorities that are shown in the Alarm Annunciator:

  1. Under Priority Classification, select or clear the Visible in Annunciator check boxes for the Alarm priorities you want to include or exclude from the Annunciator.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change for which Alarm priorities an Alarm notification sound is played:

  1. Under Priority Classification, select or clear the Audible in Annunciator check boxes for the Alarm priorities you want a notification sound to be played for or not.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change the sound that is played for Alarm notification:

  1. Under Annunciator, click Select Sound File.
  2.  In Select Audio File, select the sound you want, or if the sound is not in the Media Library,
    1. Click Upload Audio File and either choose a sound file available on your system by clicking Choose Files or drag a sound file into the application area.
    2. Click Finish to add it to the Media Library.
  3. Click OK to complete your sound selection.
  4. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change the Alarm Annunciator update interval:

  1. Under Annunciator, select the Update Interval.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change the display color and Alarm priority ranges for the Alarm Viewer:

  1. Under Priority Classification, set the Color and Start values for the different alarm priorities. The End values are adjusted automatically.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.

To change the display of Load Impact events in Alarm and Incident views:

  1. Under Load Impact Display, select or clear the check boxes for the options you want or not.
  2. Click Save to apply the changed settings.