VIP Modbus Slave port settings

NOTE: To view or change these settings in your system, open Management Console and go to Tools > System > ION Virtual Processor Setup. For the VIP for which the Modbus Slave is configured, expand Modbus Network > Slave Ports.

Serial Port settings:

Setting Range
Unit ID 1 - 247 (default: 100)
Receive Timeout (ms) 100 - 10000 (default: 1800)
Transmit Delay (ms) 10 - 60000 (default: 50)
Baud Rate 300 - 115200 (default: 9600)
Parity NONE, ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE (default: NONE)
Stop Bits 1, 1.5, 2 (default: 1)

Modbus TCP settings:

Setting Range Notes
Unit ID 1 - 247 (default: 100)  
Receive Timeout (ms) 100 - 10000 (default: 10000)  
Transmit Delay (ms) 10 - 60000 (default: 50)  
Listening Port 1 - 9999 (default: 502) It is possible that other Modbus Slaves are configured on the system, such as the ION Modbus Gateway Service that is used for breaker aging calculations. Configure different listening ports for the different Modbus Slaves. Each Modbus Slave needs its own, unique listening port.
Max Number Connections Allowed 1 - 32 (default: 5)

Configure this setting to only allow as many connections as needed for your application. Allowing more connections than needed increases that attack surface for unauthorized system access. Keeping the attack surface as small as possible is a basic security measure.