Enabling HTTP connections for PME

By default, PME uses HTTPS between the server and the Web clients. Any HTTP connection requests are automatically redirected to HTTPS. To allow both, HTTP connections and HTTPS connections, turn off the automatic redirect. To only allow HTTP connections, enable HTTP and disable HTTPS.

RECOMMENDATION: To increase the cyber resilience of your system, we strongly recommend that you use HTTPS connections with an authority issued certificate.

Allowing HTTP and HTTPS connections

To disable the automatic redirect and allowing both HTTP and HTTPS connections:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to the PME SQL server.
  2. Copy the following SQL script into a query window In SSMS:

    UPDATE ApplicationModules.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings
    SET Value = 'False'
    WHERE [key] = 'IsSecureConnectionRequired'

  3. Execute the script.
  4. Close SSMS
  5. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS) on the PME application server.
  6. Close all PME Web client browser instances to remove any caching of previous HTTPS connection information.

NOTE: To enable the automatic redirect, follow the same instructions as above but set the value for the IsSecureConnectionRequired key in the script to True.

Allowing HTTP connections only

To enable HTTP connections and disable HTTPS connections:

A - Configure Internet Information Services (IIS)

To remove the HTTPS binding:

  1. Open IIS Manager on the PME server.
  2. In the Connections pane (left pane) expand server name > Sites > Default Web Site. Right-click Default Web Site and select Edit Bindings... from the context menu.
  3. In the Site Bindings dialog remove any bindings to port 443 (https).
  4. Click Close.

B - Configure PME for HTTP

Application Modules Database update
  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the PME SQL server.
  2. Navigate to Databases -> ApplicationModules -> Views
  3. Right-click on Configuration.ConfigurationSettings and selectEdit Top 200 Rows
  4. Find the entry in the result set with the following values:
    1. ItemType = Web Framework
    2. Item = Server
    3. Key = LocalServerAddress
  5. Update the Value column to http://localhost/.
  6. Find the entry in the result set with the following values:
    1. ItemType = Web Framework
    2. Item = Server
    3. Key = IsSecureConnectionRequired
  7. Update the Value column to be False.
ION_Network Database update
  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the PME SQL server.
  2. Navigate to Databases -> ION_Network -> Views
  3. Right-click on dbo.vCFG_ConfigItems and select Edit Top 200 Rows
  4. Find the entry in the result set with the following values:
    1. Module = Reporting
    2. Category = General Settings
    3. Item = WebServiceUrl
  5. Update the Value column to http://localhost/ionreportdataservice/ReportDataService.asmx.
  6. Open a windows Command window (cmd.exe) and run iisreset.
  7. Open the windows Services console, and restart the following service: ION Application Modules Core Services Host. Click Yes when asked to restart the ION Application Modules services.
Update web.config file

NOTE: This section is applicable only for PME 2021 CU1 and later. For versions before PME 2021 CU1, this step is not required.

  1. Navigate to {root install folderPower Monitoring Expert\Applications\SystemDataService.

  2. Edit the Web.config file using any editor. The recommended tool is Notepad++.

  3. Navigate to the <authentication> section of the file under <Configuration> -> <system.web>.

  4. Delete the cookieSameSite="None" requireSSL="true" and cookieSameSite="None" from the following section:

    <authentication mode="Forms">

    <forms name=".APPLICATIONFRAMEWORK" loginUrl="/Web/Auth" cookieSameSite="None" requireSSL="true" timeout="2880" protection="All" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" />


    <sessionState cookieName=".APPLICATIONSESSIONID" cookieSameSite="None" />

    After deleting, this section should be the following:

    <authentication mode="Forms">

    <forms name=".APPLICATIONFRAMEWORK" loginUrl="/Web/Auth" timeout="2880" protection="All" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" />


    <sessionState cookieName=".APPLICATIONSESSIONID" />

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Navigate to {root install folderPower Monitoring Expert\web.

  7. Edit the Web.config file using any editor. The recommended tool is Notepad++.

  8. Search for the string cookieSameSite="None" and delete the string.

  9. Save and close the file.

Default Web Application link update
  1. Open a Windows explorer window and navigate to: Desktop -> Power Monitoring Expert
  2. Right-click on Web Applications and select Properties
  3. Update the URL value with the updated url.

    Example: the correct value would be: http://localhost/Web

C - Reset IIS

  1. Open a windows Command window (cmd.exe) and run iisreset