PME Windows services

All PME applications without a user interface run as Windows services. The following table lists all PME services:

Service Name Startup Type Log On Account Description
ION Application Modules Alarm Services Host Manual Local System *

Allows the Event Notification Module (ENM) to read alarms directly from the ION_Data database.
Starts on demand from other services (for example, from the Event Notification Module).

ION Application Modules Core Services Host (x32 bit) Automatic Local System * Hosts common web services used by the Web Applications component.
ION Application Modules Data Services Host (x32 bit) Automatic Local System * Hosts web services that provide low-level access to system data (that is, real-time, historical, alarming, and authentication) for the Web Applications component.
ION Application Modules Provider Engine Host (x32 bit) Automatic Local System * Hosts web services that provide data processing for the Web Applications component.
ION Cloud Agent Service Automatic (Delayed Start) Local System * Manages interaction with cloud services.
ION Component Identifier Service Manual Local Service *

Locates local and remote product components.

Starts shortly after startup by request of ION Connection Management Service.

ION Connection Management Service Manual Local Service *

Determines the connection status of sites and devices in the system, and handles allocation of resources such as modems. This service manages the state of site and device connectivity for the system. In order to establish the most appropriate state for the system, each connection and disconnection request is evaluated against the overall state of the system and availability of communications channels.

Starts shortly after startup by request of ION Network Router Service.

ION Device Replacement Automatic Local System * Allows the Device Replacement Manager to read and process historical data directly from the ION_Data database.
ION Diagnostics and Usage Service Automatic Local Service * Collects basic, non-identifying information from the Power Monitoring Expert system and uploads it to a secure location on the cloud for data mining by Schneider Electric. Customers can opt-in or opt-out at any time.
ION Event Watcher Service Automatic Local Service * Monitors system events for conditions specified in Event Watcher Manager.
ION Log Inserter Service Automatic (Delayed Start) Local Service *

Provides historical data collection for the power monitoring system (that is, devices and Virtual Processor), and stores it in the ION_Data database.

ION Log Subsystem Router Service Automatic (Delayed Start) Local Service * Transfers data received from power monitoring devices to storage and processing.
ION Managed Circuit Service Automatic Local Service * This service is used to create individual real-time and historical data sources for multi-circuit meters.
ION Network Router Service Automatic Local Service * Routes all ION requests between the software components, such as client workstations, the Real Time Data Service, Log Inserter, and the Query Server. The service dynamically detects changes to the network configuration, including the addition of new servers. It can also recognize new software nodes, such as Vista, that are added to an existing server.
ION OPC Data Access Server Manual Local Service *

Serves real-time OPC data (OPC DA) to OPC client applications.

Starts on an OPC client request for data, if the Data Exchange Module license has been activated.

ION PQDIF Exporter Service Manual Local Service * Translates power quality data from the ION_Data database into PQDIF file format and manages scheduled PQDIF exports.
ION Query Service Automatic Local Service *

Provides historical data retrieval from the ION_Data database for client applications (for example, Vista and Diagrams).

ION Real Time Data Service Automatic Local Service * Manages and provides access to real-time data for all client applications (Vista, Diagrams, Trends, and so on).
ION Report Subscription Service Automatic (Delayed Start) Network Service *

Runs Reports subscriptions according to user-defined schedules.

Starts several minutes after the server starts.

ION Site Service Automatic Local Service * Manages communication links to and from the product. ION Site Service is responsible for handling packet communications to system devices and controlling direct device communications. The service reacts to changes in network configuration: for example, changes to certain channels, configuration parameters, ports, or device parameters can often interrupt a connection.
ION Software Data Processing Service Automatic (Delayed Start) Local Service * Performs evaluations based on real time data from the power monitoring system.
ION Software Modbus Gateway Service Manual Local Service * Enables software data services via ModbusTCP/IP, and is treated like a device in the system. For example, the Circuit Breaker Aging Service uses this service.
ION Virtual Processor Service -NVIP.DEFAULT Automatic Local Service * Provides aggregation, control, and mathematical analysis of power monitoring system data.
ION Virtual Processor Service –NVIP.PQADVISOR Automatic Local Service * Serves up data for the Power Quality Performance diagrams. Functions only when the Power Quality Performance module is licensed and configured.
ION Virtual Processor Service –NVIP.DDD Automatic Local Service * Serves up data for the Disturbance Direction Indicators application. Functions only when the Disturbance Direction Indicators application is configured.
ION XML Subscription Service Automatic Local Service * Manages subscriptions to XML data for Vista user diagrams. This service is used only by the Diagrams application. When you open a Vista user diagram in a web browser, the ION XML Subscription Service creates a subscription and delivers the real-time data in XML format.
ION XML Subscription Store Service Automatic Local Service * Stores XML data subscriptions for the power monitoring devices on the network. This service is used only by the Diagrams application.
SQL Server (ION) Automatic Local System Provides storage, processing and controlled access of data, and rapid transaction processing for the ION_Data, ION_Network, ION_SystemLog, and the ApplicationModules databases.
ION Application Modules Core Service Host (x64 bit) Automatic Local System Hosts common web services used by the Web (x64 bit) Applications component.
ION Application Modules Data Service Host (x64 bit) Automatic Local System Hosts web services that provide low-level access to system data (that is, real-time, historical, alarming, and Authentication) for the Web Applications component.
ION Application Modules Provider Engine Host (x64 bit) Automatic Local System Hosts web services that provide data processing for the Web Applications component.

* When PME is installed with Windows Integrated Authentication, the Windows account that is used to access the database is also used to run the PME services.