Using Floating License Manager after system upgrade

Starting from PME 2021, License configuration tool is used for license configuration. Floating License Manager and License Manager are not supported for license configuration. These two applications are unusable after system upgrade.

You might have other systems installed on the same server for which licensing is based on Floating License Manager.

To use Floating License Manager after system upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy Floating License Manager folder from the backup folder ( ...\Power Monitoring Expert\PowerMonitoringExpert_9.1_Backup\Floating License Manager)

    NOTE: This backup folder location is based on the system upgrade from PME 2020 to 2023.

  2. Paste this inside the folder ...\Power Monitoring Expert\.

    The Floating License Manager folder is created.

  3. Launch FloatingLicenseManager.exe.

    The Floating License Manager opens.