Configuring Gadgets

The following table shows the different gadget types that are available in Power Monitoring Expert (PME). Some of the gadgets are included in the base license and others require additional licensing.

Gadget Type Category Data Type Licensing
Bar Chart Comparison Historical Base License
Energy Equivalency Comparison Historical Base License
Table Comparison Real-time Base License
Pie Chart Comparison Historical Base License
Period over Period Trend over Time Historical Base License
Trend Chart Trend over Time Historical Base License
Web Viewer Web Historical Base License
Aggregated Consumption Ranking Usage Analysis Historical Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
Aggregated Pareto Chart Usage Analysis Historical Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
Consumption Ranking Usage Analysis Historical Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
Heat Map Usage Analysis Historical Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
Pareto Chart Usage Analysis Historical Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
KPI Usage Analysis Real-time Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
Sankey Usage Analysis Historical Energy Analysis Dashboards Module License
Blank Space * Layout n/a Base License
Power Quality Incident Breakdown Power Quality Details Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Quality Incident Impact Power Quality Details Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Quality Incident Location Power Quality Details Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Factor Impact Power Quality Overview Historical PQ Performance Module License

Power Factor Impact Trend

Power Quality Overview Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Quality Impact Power Quality Overview Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Quality Impact Trend Power Quality Overview Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Quality Rating Power Quality Overview Historical PQ Performance Module License
Power Quality Rating Trend Power Quality Overview Historical PQ Performance Module License

* The Blank Space gadget does not display any data and requires no configuration. The Blank Space gadget is only visible during the dashboard Edit. By sizing and positioning this blank gadget, you can change the location of the other gadgets to get the layout you want.

For information on the functionality of the different gadget types, see Gadgets. For information on licensing, contact your Schneider Electric representative.


The data for the gadgets must be available. Gadgets that depend on historical data need the correct logged data in the database. Gadgets that depend on real-time data need the devices that provide the data to be online and communicating.

The power quality gadgets are part of the Power Quality Performance module. Before you can use these gadgets in a dashboard, you must first configure the Power Quality Performance module.

The following table shows the configuration that is required before you can use a power quality gadget type:

Gadget Type Requirements
Power Factor Impact
Power Factor Impact Trend

A rate must be defined in the Power Factor Impact Rate file.

A hierarchy view or a virtual meter must be configured.

Power Quality Incident Breakdown
Power Quality Incident Impact
Power Quality Incident Location
Power Quality Rating
Power Quality Rating Trend
Which devices to include/exclude for each type of power quality event must be configured.
Power Quality Impact
Power Quality Impact Trend
An hourly rate for use in your production environment must be included in the Power Quality Group configuration file.


The Gadget Setup dialog opens each time you select a gadget to add to a dashboard. The dialog leads you through a series of gadget configuration pages. The pages and the options are specific to each gadget. For example, some gadgets require a data series consisting of sources and measurements, while other gadgets have no such requirement. The exception is the Blank Space gadget, which does not require any configuration. Its purpose is to help you position gadgets on the dashboard by inserting a resizable transparent blank area.

Note that each page of the Gadget Setup dialog is represented by labeled tabs when you edit the settings for an existing gadget. (See Editing a gadget for more information.)

The following tables indicates the gadget configuration pages that apply to each gadget, where "Y" indicates that the page applies to that gadget, and "-" indicates that the page is not applicable.

  General Settings Chart Settings Chart Type Data Series Display Settings Equivalency Image Viewing Period
Bar Chart Y Y - Y Y - - Y
Energy Equivalency Y - - Y Y Y Y Y
Pie Chart Y Y Y Y Y - - Y


  General Settings Content
Web Viewer Y Y



General Settings Display Settings Measurements Sources Layout Calculations Performance
Table Y Y Y Y Y Y Y



General Settings Measurements Sources KPI Formula Threshold Image


  General Settings Chart Settings Display Settings Data Series Viewing Period Axes Target Lines
Period over Period Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Trend Chart Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


  General Settings Data Series Display Settings Viewing Period Sankey Chart Setup Pareto Chart Setup
Sankey Y Y Y Y Y -
Pareto Chart Y Y Y Y - Y
Aggregated Pareto Chart Y Y Y Y - Y


  General Settings Data Series Display Settings Viewing Period Heat Map Setup Consumption Ranking Setup
Heat Map Y Y Y Y Y -
Consumption Ranking Y Y Y Y - Y
Aggregated Consumption Ranking Y Y Y Y - Y


  General Settings Sources PQ Group Viewing Period
Power Factor Impact Y Y - Y
Power Factor Impact Trend Y Y - Y
Power Quality Incident Breakdown Y Y - Y
Power Quality Incident Impact Y Y - Y
Power Quality Incident Location Y Y - Y
Power Quality Impact Y - Y Y
Power Quality Impact Trend Y - Y Y
Power Quality Rating Y Y - Y
Power Quality Rating Trend Y Y - Y

Configuration options


Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Enter a label for the axes in the Title field under Left Axis or Right Axis. (Right Axis is not applicable to the Period Over Period gadget.)

    Axis titles only appear in the gadget if you have configured at least one measurement series for the gadget.

  2. For the Max Value for each axis, select Auto or Fixed for the data in the gadget. Auto is the default for the maximum value, which is dependent on available data for the selected measurement. If you select Fixed, enter the maximum value for the axis.
  3. For Min Value for each axis, select Auto or Fixed for the data in the gadget. Fixed is the default value of zero (0). You can enter a different minimum value. If you select Auto, the minimum value is dependent on available data for the selected measurement and the minimum value is automatically adjusted.
  4. For Chart Type for each axis, select a type from the dropdown list. The default is Column for the left axis, and Line with Markers for the right axis.

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Enable Show Statistics Row to display a row at the bottom of the table. This row displays the aggregated value of each column of data in the table. The aggregated value excludes the statistics column (if enabled) and user defined calculated field (if enabled):
    1. Select the Type of aggregation from the available choices in the dropdown menu to apply to each column of data in the table.
    2. Select the Highlighting Rule from the available choices in the dropdown menu to define a threshold at which the values in the statistics row are highlighted. The threshold values are highlighted in red. On selection of Under or Over, enter the value for the threshold.

  2. Enable Show Statistics Column to display a column to the right of the table. This column displays the aggregated value of each row of data in the table. The aggregated value excludes the statistics row (if enabled):
    1. Select the Type of aggregation from the available choices in the dropdown menu to apply to each row of data in the table.
    2. Select the Highlighting Rule from the available choices in the dropdown menu to define a threshold at which the values in the statistics column are highlighted. The threshold values are highlighted in red. On selection of Under or Over, enter the value for the threshold.
  3. Enable Highlight Regular Cells to highlight the values in the table as per the highlight rules:
    1. Select the Highlighting Rule from the available choices in the dropdown menu to define a threshold at which the values in the table are highlighted. The threshold values are highlighted in red. On selection of Under or Over, enter the value for the threshold.
  4. Enter the desired decimal places in Decimal Places to display in the values.
  5. Enable Show User Defined Calculated Field to display a column to right of the table. This column displays a calculated value as per the defined mathematical expression. The calculation excludes the statistics row or column (if enabled):
    1. Enter a label for the column header of the calculated measured column in the Calculated Field Name field.
    2. Enter the expression using the variables of Variable Reference Table in the Formual field to calculate the values. Most of the expressions (+, -, * , / , %, ^, min, max, and avg) can be used.
    3. Select the Highlighting Rule from the available choices in the dropdown menu to define a threshold at which the calculated values in the table are highlighted. The threshold values are highlighted in red. On selection of Under or Over, enter the value for the threshold.
    4. Refer the Variable Reference Table which displays the variable name and the mapped source or measurement names. The column name reflects the first column of the table.

Chart Settings

Complete the options on this page as follows:

NOTE: Show Chart Crosshairs and Enable Chart Zoom options are available only for Trend Chart.

  1. Enable Show Chart Crosshairs to display cross hair lines when hovering over the data series on the chart.
  2. Enable Enable Chart Zoom to enable zoom options for the chart. The zoom options available in the chart are:
    • A slider opens below the X-axis. Use the slider to adjust the viewing period. You can drag the slider below the X-axis to the right to decrease the viewing period. For example, if the viewing period is set to This Month and you drag the slider to the right, the range values decrease, and if you continue to drag the slider to the right, the values decrease further on the scale.

    • The following icons appear on the chart:

      AReset Zoom (100%) - resets the chart to its default size.
      BPan the chart - after you zoom in to an area of the diagram, click Pan the chart, then click and hold the left mouse button on the diagram and drag it left or right.
      CZoom in to selection area - zooms in when you drag the mouse over an area of the chart. The zoom action occurs when you release the left mouse button.
  3. Enable Show Data Points to display the value of the data series to the individual data series on the chart.
  4. Enable Chart Color to set the background color of the chart. Select the color from the available choices in the dropdown menu.
  5. Enable Watermark to display a watermark text on the chart. Type the required text and select the alignment and font size of the text from the available choices in the dropdown menus.
Chart Type

Complete the option on this page as follows:

Select the Chart Type as Pie or Donut from the dropdown menu to display the chart.

Consumption Ranking Setup

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. For Bars Orientation:
    1. Select Horizontal to display a horizontal bar chart.
    2. Select Vertical to display a vertical column chart.
  2. For Limit:
    1. Select No Limit to display all the items.
    2. Select Limit to to display the top or bottom items. Select the quantity of items to display.
  3. For Sort Order:
    1. Select Ascending to show the ranked columns in an ascending order from left to right. The bars are displayed in an ascending order from top to bottom.
    2. Select Descending to show the data in descending order.
  4. Select Show Total to display the aggregated total consumption value of all sources above the chart. Clear the check mark for Show Total to hide the display of the total value.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Legend Name. The legend name is displayed below the chart.

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Use the Source field to enter the URL for the website that you want to display.

    The URL should start with http or https.


    potential compromise of System availability, integrity, and confidentiality

    Use cybersecurity best practices to help prevent unauthorized access to the software.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, equipment damage, or permanent loss of data.

    NOTE: When you configure the Web Viewer gadget to access a website, you should be careful that the website does not include hidden malware, viruses, or content that could compromise your web client computers. It is recommended that the target site specified in the gadget be secured with the SSL or TLS protocol (accessed via HTTPS).


  2. Use the Refresh Interval to indicate how often to refresh the content. The default of None indicates that the web site is shown in real time.
  3. The Width value indicates the display area within the gadget. The default width is 1,000 pixels (px).
  4. Display provides 2 display options for the gadget:
    1. Select Scroll the content to enable scrolling for content that exceeds the width or height of the display area in the gadget.
    2. Select Crop/Zoom the content to display a cropped region of the website. Adjust the Offset X, Width, Offset Y, and Height for the crop values.

      The default position is set to the top left corner of the gadget, as indicated by 0 for both the Offset X and Offset Y positions. The default width is 1,000 pixels and the default height is 848 pixels.

      It is recommended that the total of the pixel values for Offset X and Width do not exceed the display width (1000 pixels).

  5. Click Preview to view how the image will appear in the gadget.
Data Series

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Click Add to open the sources and measurements dialog.
  2. Click a source name in the Sources area to select it.

    By default, the sources are listed in alphabetical order. You can use the Search field to find sources by name.

    NOTE: For large systems with many sources, it takes longer to choose a source from the source selector if you change the Grouping setting from its default value.

    NOTE: For a Sankey Gadget select a hierarchy source. The gadget does not display data if you select a source from the Devices list.

  3. For a selected source, expand a measurement category, for example Energy, and click the specific measurement you want to include, for example Real Energy Into the Load (kWh).

    The measurements are listed in alphabetical order by measurement category. You can use the Search Measurements field to find a specific measurement category or measurement.

    Click Show Advanced to open options for filtering the measurements.

    Select Display only Measurements with historical data to narrow the measurement choices for the selected source.

    NOTE: Smart Measurements are not available for gadget configuration.

  4. Select Display Name to enter a name of your choice for gadget data purposes. (This is recommended.)  By default, the name is a combination of the source and the measurement. For example, for a device main_7650, group BldgA, and measurement Real Energy Into the Load the display name appears as BldgA.main_7650 Real Energy Into the Load.
  5. Similarly, you can select Display Units and enter a unit of your choice.
  6. You can modify the following settings for each source measurement:
    • Series Style: select the color, line thickness, and how data is represented from the available choices in the dropdown menus.
    • Axis: select Right Axis or Left Axis to chart the data series against the scale for the selected measurement.
    • Multiplier: change the multiplier value to convert the data from its original unit to the specified display unit. For example, convert the measurement unit from kWh to MWh by using a multiplier of 0.001.
  7. Click OK to close the dialog.
Display Settings

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Enable Custom Font Size to display the text of data values, tooltip, axis, and legends in the required font size. Choose the required font size by selecting the value.
  2. Enable Custom Precision to display the decimal precision of data values, tooltip values, and axis value in the required decimal precision. Choose the required decimal precision by selecting the value.
  3. Enable Background Color to set the background color of the gadget. Select the color from the available choices in the dropdown menu.

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Click Select Predefined Equivalency to open the Predefined Equivalencies dialog.
  2. Select an item from the list of predefined equivalencies.

    Default values are automatically entered in the fields on the Equivalency page.

  3. You can change the default values as follows:
    1. Enter the Multiplier from Wh value to convert from the watt-hour values into the equivalent measurement.
    2. Select the Decimal Places to display for the equivalent value.
    3. Enter the Unit for the equivalency. For example, "miles", "kilometers", "lbs", "kg", and so on.
    4. Select Display After Value or Display Before Value to specify the position of the Unit label.
    5. Enter the Energy Equivalency Description to be displayed in the gadget.
General Settings

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Type a title for the gadget.
  2. For Opacity, you can:
    1. Leave the default option Use Dashboard Opacity selected.

      The default opacity setting is controlled in the Dashboard Styling dialog and applies to all gadgets included on the dashboard. This is the recommended setting.

    2. Clear the check box for Use Dashboard Opacity to enable the settings for the gadget and select one of the available percentages.

    An opacity setting of 100% indicates that the gadget is not transparent – the background color or image is not visible through the gadget. A setting of less than 100% results in the gadget being partially transparent – the background color or image is partially visible in the gadget. The effect of the setting varies depending on the gadget and the background image.

Heat Map Setup

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. For Colors:
    1. Select Use fixed value color ranges to manually define the color gradients by entering values into the boxes. Enter values based on the maximum expected consumption value per interval.
    2. If you clear the Use fixed value color ranges check box, then the gadget assigns colors for the heat map automatically.
  2. For Outliers, select Remove Outliers to exclude data values that exceed the Max Threshold or fall below the Min Threshold. Define the threshold values by entering limit values into the boxes.
  3. For Heat Map Header:
    1. Select Show Data Series Name to display data series name at the top of the Heat Map chart.
    2. Select Show Total to display a Total value at the top of the Heat Map chart.
  4. For Data Gaps, select Clear last log after a data gap to exclude large interval values, that are the result of data gaps, from the displayed data set.

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Select an image to display on the gadget from the available images in the Image Library.
  2. (Optional) Add an image to the Image Library by clicking Upload Image to open the Upload New Files dialog. Then either drag an image file to the area indicated in the dialog or click Choose Files and navigate to an image on your system. Click Finish to add the image to the Image Library and then select it.
KPI Formula

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Enter the expression using the variables of Variable Reference in the Calculation field to calculate the values. Most of the expressions (+, -, * , / , %, ^, min, max, and avg) can be used.

  2. Select the desired decimal places in Precision to display in the calculated value.

  3. Enter the desired unit in Units to display along with the value. Select Display After Value or Display Before Value for displaying the unit.

  4. Enter the desired name in Description to display on the top of the gadget.

  5. Set the Update Interval for the data refresh in the display.


Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Choose Sources or Measurements for the column headings in the table.
  2. Set the Minimum Column Width for the columns in the table.

Select specific measurements from the Measurement List or select a template of pre-defined measurements.

Select specific measurements
  1. Select one or more measurements in the Available Measurements area. The measurements are added to the Selected Measurements list.

    (Optional) Click Show Advanced to filter the measurements list by Type or popularity (Show).

Select predefined measurements
  1. Click Select From Template to open the Predefined Measurements Templates dialog.

    The dialog lists various templates that include specific measurements. The number of measurements is identified in parentheses for each template name.

  2. Select a template and click OK to add the measurements associated with the template to the Selected Measurements area.
Pareto Chart Setup

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Set the level of the marker line on a scale of 0-100% by entering the Marker Position. For example, for a marker line at 80%, enter a value of 80.
  2. Select Show Total to include a Total value at the top of the Pareto chart.
  3. Specify a Legend Name. This name will be shown as an axis label for the left y-axis in the chart.

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Set the Update Interval for the data refresh in the table.
  2. (Optional) Enable Simple Rendering to improve the display of large tables.
PQ Group

Depending on the scope of the data that you want to display in the gadget, select All Groups (if there is more than one group in the list), or a specific group in the list. The group names that are listed in the dialog are defined in the Power Quality Group configuration file, which is configured during Power Quality Performance commissioning.

Sankey Chart Setup

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. For Hierarchy Depth Limit, select the depth of the Sankey diagram.

    The depth is defined from the selected top node. Each bar in the diagram represents a level and by reducing this number you can create diagrams focusing on the higher levels. There is no limit to how many levels can be displayed.

  2. For Display Mode:
    1. Select Automatic to display the gadget to the best available layout.
    2. Select Sort by name to sort each Sankey level nodes in ascending order by the node label from top to bottom.
    3. Select Sort by value to sort each Sankey level nodes in descending order by the value from top to bottom.
  3. For Unaccounted Values:
    1. Select Display unaccounted values as nodes to display the unaccounted values as nodes.
    2. Enter the Node Label.
  4. For Options:
    1. Select View Only Last Log.

      Selecting this option overrides the Viewing Period selection. Instead of displaying data for the selected viewing period, only the last available data log value for each node in the hierarchy structure is used. This is useful for viewing the current state of the system, e.g. Power, Voltage, Current.

    2. Select Show Data Warning to display data warning messages.
    3. Select Reverse Sankey Chart to reverse the chart from right to left.
  5. For Font Size, select the font size of the nodes.
  6. For Max Label Width, select the maximum label width of the node labels.
  7. For Label Overflow:
    1. Select Truncate long text to display the truncated text of the node labels.
    2. Select Wrap long text to display the wrapped text of the node labels.
  8. For Chart Size:
    1. Select Manual to set the width and height. If you clear Manual selection, the chart size is automatic.
    2. Enter the Width and Height for manual chart.

NOTE: This gadget configuration page is applicable for Table gadget only.

Select the sources that you want to include in the table:

  1. Select one or more sources in the Available Sources area. The sources are added to the Selected Sources list.

    (Optional) Use the Search Sources... field to find sources, click Show Advanced to filter the source list by Type, or click Add All to select all sources.

  2. Click a source in the Selected Sources area to remove it as selected.

    (Optional) Click Remove All to remove all sources from the Selected Sources area.


NOTE: This gadget configuration page is applicable for all Power Quality Gadgets except Power Quality Impact and Power Quality Impact Trend gadget.

NOTE: The sources listed are dependent on the views you create in Hierarchy Manager and the assigned user group. For Power Factor Impact and Power Factor Impact Trend gadgets, you must select source. For other gadgets, the source selection is optional.

Select the sources that you want to include in the table:

  1. Select one or more sources in the Available Sources area. The sources are added to the Selected Sources list.

    (Optional) Use the Search Sources... field to find sources or click Add All to select all sources.

  2. Click a source in the Selected Sources area to remove it as selected.

    (Optional) Click Remove All to remove all sources from the Selected Sources area.

Target Lines

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Click Add Target Line to add target line input fields to the page.

    Add additional target line input fields by clicking Add Target Line again.

  2. Select Fixed Target or Per Day Target for Type to specify how the target line is applied.
    1. Fixed Number is a value that applies in all date ranges.
    2. Per Day Target is a value that is prorated for the time range that you specify. For example, a per day target of 100 displays the target line at 100 if viewing By Day, at 3000 if viewing By Month, and at 700 if viewing By Week.
  3. Enter a label to display in the chart for the target line and select the axis for the target line in the respective fields.
  4. Use the Color Selector to choose the color of the target line.
  5. Click the Remove Target Line icon to delete it.

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Enable Apply Threshold Colors to highlight the displayed value as per the following configuration:
    1. For Color, select the default data value text color and background color of the gadget from the available choices in the dropdown menu.
    2. For Target, set the first target. If this target is exceeded, then set the required data value text color and background color of the gadget in Color. Select from the available choices in the dropdown menu.
    3. For Upper Target, set the second target. If this target is exceeded, then set the required data value text color and background color of the gadget in Color. Select from the available choices in the dropdown menu.
  2. Enable Display Target to display the desired target name in the gadget. Enter the desired target name in Target Label.
Viewing Period

Complete the options on this page as follows:

  1. Select the date and time range for the data that is to be displayed in the gadget. To view a gadget that starts and ends in the past, select the fixed date option. Type a start and end date in the date boxes or click the arrows beside the dates to display a pop-up calendar and select a date. Type a time in the time boxes or click the up and down arrows beside the time to adjust the hours or minutes up or down. You can also view a gadget that starts and ends in the future. You can use any tool to generate future data. For example, use Manual Data Editor to manually enter measurement data.
  2. If aggregation options are available, select one of the available options.

The time range and aggregation settings are specific to the gadget that you select.

NOTE: For all Power Quality gadgets, except the Trend gadgets, the recommended viewing period is This Month (for monitoring current data) or Last Month (for monitoring historical data). For the Trend gadgets, the recommended viewing period is Last 12 Months with a By Month aggregation period.