3. Installing the components, snippets, and binding template

Install the components, snippets, and the binding template into Building Operation.

Components are standardized, predefined graphics that represent features in a live system. They are located in dedicated libraries, and are displayed in the Components pane. You add components to a graphic instead of drawing all the drawing objects yourself to simplify the graphics creation process.

Snippets are standardized, predefined functions that typically represent a feature in a live system. They are located in dedicated libraries, and are displayed in the Snippets pane.

The binding template is used to automatically bind EcoStruxure Web Services (EWS) measurements or SmartWidget values to corresponding measurements in Building Operation graphics library objects. Using the binding template, you create bindings between the Automation Server program variables, internal values, and I/O points.

NOTE: Before you install these tools, close the Building Operation Graphics Editor.