Configuring the PME EWS server regional setting

By default, the EWS regional setting in PME is set to use the PME system culture.

NOTE: For system to system data exchange using EWS, set the regional setting to INVARIANT.

To configure the EWS server regional setting:

  1. On the PME server, open the web.config file for editing, for example in Notepad. You can find this file in ...\Power Monitoring Expert\applications\EWS.
  2. Search for the <add key="RegionalSetting" value="" /> element in the file.
  3. Set the value property to a valid regional setting (for example en-US, en-CA, fr-FR, de-DE, and so on), or to INVARIANT.
  4. Save the web.config file.
  5. Close the file.
  6. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS) on this computer.