Types of updates

Cumulative Update (CU)

A CU is a PME software update that provides general product improvements. There can be more than one CU release for a particular software version. The latest CU for a software version includes the improvements of any previous CUs. You only need to install the latest CU; it is not necessary to install older CUs or install them in the order in which they were released.

The following is true for a CU:

  • It is a general update that is released to all PME users.
  • It applies to all systems of that version of the software.
  • It applies to all language versions of the software.
  • It is covered by the existing licensing of the system.
  • It does not change the existing trial license status on the system.
  • It contains the improvements of the previous CUs for this version of the software.
  • It consists of a single, executable installer.

NOTE: We recommend that you install available CUs for your version of the software. Check the Exchange Community for information on available updates. See Resources for a link to the Exchange Community.

NOTE: To find out which CU version is installed on your system, check Help > About in any of the Engineering applications, or check the Windows registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\2024\CumulativeUpdate.


A hotfix is a PME software update that provides specific product improvements for certain installations or applications. A hotfix is not a general product update.

The following is true for a hotfix:

  • It is a specific update that is released to a targeted set of PME users.
  • It applies to specific, selected systems.
  • It is covered by the existing licensing of the system.
  • It does not change the existing trial license status on the system.
  • It can be a single file or a number of files of different types.
  • It does not include an installer, it includes manual install instructions instead.

NOTE: Technical Support will help determine if a hotfix is needed for a system.

Add-on device driver

PME is installed with pre-configured support for a large number of device types, also known as device drivers. Many more device drivers are available as downloadable add-on device drivers.

The following is true for an add-on device driver:

  • It might be a general update for all PME users, or targeted at specific installations or applications.
  • It might be covered by the existing licensing of the system, or require additional licensing.
  • It does not change the existing trial license status on the system.
  • It consists of a compressed archive file or an executable installer file.
  • The file includes the device driver and related resources, such as diagrams, measurement mapping information, and release notes.
  • It includes an installer.

NOTE: Only users with a need for the specific device type support should install an add-on device driver on their system.