Accessing meters with security

If you have a device in your network with security enabled, use Management Console to allow ION Windows Services to access the device. This is required for automatic upload of historical data logs from the device.

To configure ION Windows Services to the device:

  1. Right-click the device that has security enabled and select Security to open the Meter Security Settings dialog.
  2. From the Software Access drop down list, select the option as per the following table:
  3. Option Description
    Standard Security

    Select this option if standard security is configured on the device.

    NOTE: If standard security is not configured on the device, refer to Changes in security settings of device for more information.

    User List Select the user if advanced security is configured on the device.

    NOTE: You can configure the device security settings using Designer or ION Setup. See Configuring Security module for more information.

  4. Click Match Password and type the password in the Password field then re-type it in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Select the check box if you want to allow the software to send secure time synchronization signals to the device. Clear the check box if you do not want to send secure time synchronization signals to the device.
  6. Click OK.