Defining the Diagrams menu structure

To define the Diagrams viewer menu structure:

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the following path: ..\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\config\diagrams\tgml
  2. NOTE: By default, new TGML files are saved in the TGML folder.

  3. Create folders and sub-folders with your desired menu item names and structure, and then put the TGML files in the respective folders.
  4. The TGML folder and sub-folder names will become menu items appearing in alphabetical order. The TGML files in each folder will also be listed alphabetically as menu items within the parent menu item (folder).

    NOTE: Any TGML files in a folder will appear first before any sub-folder menu items.

    NOTE: In this version, TGML only supports real-time data.