Power Quality Incident Impact gadget

NOTE: This gadget is part of the Power Quality Performance Module. This Module requires a separate license.

This gadget shows the number of power quality events, over a period of time, that might have had a process impact, compared to those that most likely did not have an impact. It is a simplified representation of the CBEMA/ITIC curve in a pie chart format. Events that are inside the curve are shown as “no impact events” and those outside the curve are shown as “likely impact events”.


NOTE: The colors in the chart are shown dimmed if the events had no expected impact. The colors in the chart are shown solid if one or more events had an expected impact.

TIP: Place your pointer on a section in the chart to open a tooltip showing the number of events in each category. Click a section to separate it from the pie.

For information about configuring Power Quality gadgets, see Configuring Gadgets.