Power Quality Rating gadget

NOTE: This gadget is part of the Power Quality Performance Module. This Module requires a separate license.

This gadget shows a power quality rating in the form of a letter grade (A to F). The rating is a summary of multiple types of power quality disturbances. The information is shown as a graphic display of the letter grade, with a % power quality rating and a list of the main contributing disturbances.

The following formula is used to calculate the power quality rating:


  • PQ.Indicators.Value is a number indicating each power quality indicator status (green = 2, yellow= 1, red = 0).
  • PQ.Indicators.MaxValue = 2 for each individual indicator.
  • Weight Factor is an adjustable value (default=1) for assigning different weight to each individual indicator as per your needs.

The power quality rating is mapped to the letter grades in the following way:

  • PQ.Rating >= 95% à "A"
  • PQ.Rating >= 85% à "B"
  • PQ.Rating >= 75% à "C"
  • PQ.Rating >= 65% à "D"
  • PQ.Rating >= 55% à "E"
  • PQ.Rating >= 0%   à "F"

With 0% = worst power quality and 100% = optimal power quality.

NOTE: The ratings are based on established thresholds and limits defined in IEEE 519, IEC 61000-4-30, EN 50160, and IEEE 1159 standards.


For information about configuring Power Quality gadgets, see Configuring Gadgets.