Configure PME for server certificates

After installing and binding the server certificates, perform the following configurations on PME:

Application Modules Database update

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the PME SQL server.
  2. Navigate to Databases -> ApplicationModules -> Views.
  3. Right-click on Configuration.ConfigurationSettings and select Edit Top 200 Rows.
  4. Find the entry in the result set with the following values:
    1. ItemType = Web Framework
    2. Item = Server
    3. Key = LocalServerAddress
  5. Update the Value column to include the server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and port number (if required).


    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the default port, then update the Value column to:

    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the port number 567, then the correct value would be:

  6. Find the entry in the result set with the following values:
    1. ItemType = Web Framework
    2. Item = Url
    3. Key = RemoteAccessHost
  7. Update the Value column to include the server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and port number (if required).


    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the default port, then update the Value column to:

    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the port number 567, then the correct value would be:

ION_Network Database update

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the PME SQL server.
  2. Navigate to Databases -> ION_Network -> Views.
  3. Right-select on dbo.vCFG_ConfigItems and select Edit Top 200 Rows.
  4. Find the entry in the result set with the following values:
    1. Module = Reporting
    2. Category = General Settings
    3. Item = WebServiceUrl
  5. Update the Value column to include the server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and port number (if required).


    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the default port, then update the Value column to:

    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the port number 567, then the correct value would be:

WebServices Web.config update

  1. Navigate to {root install folder}\Power Monitoring Expert\system\WebServices.

  2. Edit the Web.config file using any editor. The recommended tool is Notepad++.

  3. Navigate to the <services> section of the file under <Configuration> -> <system.serviceModel>.

  4. Comment out the default http endpoint bindings and remove the comment on the https endpoint bindings.

    After the changes, the <services> section should be the following:

    <service name="WebServices.IONWebServices.RealTime.WebRealTime">
    <!--<endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="WebServices.IONWebServices.RealTime.IWebRealTime" behaviorConfiguration="SOAPBehavior" bindingConfiguration="http" /> -->
    <endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="WebServices.IONWebServices.RealTime.IWebRealTime" behaviorConfiguration="SOAPBehavior" bindingConfiguration="https" />
    <service name="PowerQuality.Analytics">
    <!--<endpoint binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PowerQuality.Analytics" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior" bindingConfiguration="http" /> -->
    <endpoint binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PowerQuality.Analytics" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior" bindingConfiguration="https" />
    <service name="PowerQuality.EventProcessor">
    <!--<endpoint binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PowerQuality.EventProcessor" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior" bindingConfiguration="http" /> -->
    <endpoint binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PowerQuality.EventProcessor" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior" bindingConfiguration="https" />
    <service name="PowerQuality.DowntimeService.Impact">
    <!--<endpoint binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PowerQuality.DowntimeService.Impact" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior" bindingConfiguration="http" /> -->
    <endpoint binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PowerQuality.DowntimeService.Impact" behaviorConfiguration="RESTBehavior" bindingConfiguration="https" />

  5. Navigate to the <security> section of the file under <Configuration> -> <system.webServer>.

  6. Add the following line after <add ipAddress="" allowed="true" />:

    <add domainName="XXXXXX" allowed="true"/>

    The domain name should match with the host name to which security certificate is issued.

    For example: If the security certificate is issued for the host, then add the following:

    <add domainName="" allowed="true"/>

  7. Save and close the file.

Check hosts file

  1. Navigate to {C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

  2. Edit the hosts file using any editor. The recommended tool is Notepad++.

    Check if the entry for mapping of IP address to host name is correct.

    For example: If the security certificate is issued for the host, then the entry should be the following:


    If the correct entry is not reflecting, flush the local DNS cache by either of the following:

    • Open a windows Command window (cmd.exe) and run ipconfig /flushdns.
    • Restart the server.

  3. Close the file.

Default Web Application link update

  1. Open a Windows explorer window and navigate to: Desktop -> Power Monitoring Expert
  2. Right-select on Web Applications and select Properties
  3. Update the URL value with the updated url.


    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the default port, then the correct value would be:

    • If the security certificate is issued for the host with the port number 567, then the correct value would be:

Reset IIS

  1. Open a windows Command window (cmd.exe) and run iisreset.
  2. Open the windows Services console, and restart the following service: ION Application Modules Core Services Host. select Yes when asked to restart the ION Application Modules services.
  3. Restart the browser.