Customize measurement mapping of EWS Client

It is possible to customize the mapping of EWS server measurement name with PME measurement name using the definition file. The definition file is stored under :...\config\WebServices.

To customize the mapping:

  1. Navigate to ...\Power Monitoring Expert\config\WebServices.

  2. Edit the EWSClient_MappingDefinitionFile.xml file using any XML editor. The recommended tool is Notepad++.

  3. For the required PME measurement name under
    <PMEMeasurementName> </PMEMeasurementName>,
    enter the corresponding the EWS server measurement name under
    <EWSMeasurementName> </EWSMeasurementName>.
    For example, if the EWS server measurement is Real Power, then update the PME Real Power definition section as follows:

    <PMEMeasurementName>Real Power</PMEMeasurementName>
    <EWSMeasurementName>Real Power</EWSMeasurementName>

  4. (Optional) Perform step 3 for other measurements.

  5. Save and close the file.

You can see the measurement mapping updated accordingly in the Device and Measurement Mapping dialog of EWS client user interface.