Configuring a trend

Configuring General settings

To configure general settings:

  1. In the Trend Setup dialog, on the General tab, enter a title for the trend.
  2. To add a new data series, select Add under Data Series. This opens the Add Data Series dialog.
  3. To edit an existing series, select it, and then Select Edit. This opens the Edit Data Series dialog.
  4. In Add (or Edit) Data Series, select a source in the Sources area to Select it.

    You can Select sources organized by Devices or Hierarchy Views. You can use the Search Sources field to find entries by source, group name, or a combination of group and source names.

    (Optional) Select Show Advanced to have the option of showing only Devices, only Hierarchy Views, or both.

  5. For the selected source, expand a measurement type, for example Voltage, and select the specific measurement you want to include in your trend, for example Voltage A-B.

    The measurements are listed in alphabetical order by measurement category. You can use the Search Measurements field to find a specific measurement category or measurement.

    (Optional) Select Show Advanced to open options for filtering the measurements.

    Select Display only Measurements with historical data to narrow the measurement choices for the Selected source.

  6. (Optional) Select Display Name if you want to enter a series name of your choice for trend data purposes. By default, a series name is a combination of source and measurement information formatted as group.source measurement, for example BldgA.meterA Voltage A-B.
  7. (Optional) Select Display Units and enter a unit description of your choice.
  8. You can modify the following settings for each source measurement:
    • Style: Select the color and line thickness from the available choices in the dropdown menus.
    • Decimals: Select the number of decimal places for the data displayed in the legend.
    • Plot on: Select Right or Left Axis for the location of the measurement values for the Selected measurement.
    • Overlay: Select the values that you want to overlay on the trend. By default, no items are Selected. The Selections are Min, Max, and Mean.
    • Data Source: Select where to access the data for the trend. The options are to gather series data from the source in real-time, gather series data from the database as it is being logged, or gather real-time series data from the source and historical data from the database to fill the trend, if possible.
  9. Select OK to save your changes and close the Add (or Edit) Data Series dialog and to return to the Trend Setup dialog.
  10. Select Add to specify additional sources and measurements for the trend.
  11. Select Private Trend to keep this trend private or clear the check box to make it public.

    NOTE: A public item is visible to all users in your user group. A private item is visible to you and any user in your user group with Edit permissions on this item type. See Default User Access Level Privileges and Customizing Access Level Privileges for details.


Configuring Axes settings

To configure axes settings:

  1. In the Trend Setup dialog, on the Axes tab, enter a label for the axes in the Title field under Right Axis (Primary) or Left Axis (Secondary).

    Axis titles only appear if you have configured at least one measurement series and it appears on the trend.

  2. For Right Axis (Primary), Max Value and Min Value are set to Auto by default.
    1. (Optional) Select Fixed and enter the maximum or minimum values in the respective input fields.
      1. When you Select Upper Threshold:
        • Select a color from the color selector for area shading on the trend between the maximum value and the upper threshold value.
        • Enter a value for the upper threshold in the input field.

          Each time the latest data point of a measurement series occurs in an upper or lower threshold, the color defined for the threshold also colors the background of the measurement series in the legend.

      2. When you Select Lower Threshold:
        • Select a color from the color selector for area shading on the trend between the minimum value and the lower threshold value.
        • Enter a value for the lower threshold in the input field.

          If the latest data point of a measurement series occurs in an upper or lower threshold, the color defined for the threshold also colors the background of the measurement series in the legend.

    2. (Optional) Select Target Line, then Select a color from the color Selector and enter a value for the target line in the input field.

      You can Select the Target Line independently from the Upper Threshold or Lower Threshold settings.

  3. For Left Axis (Secondary), Max Value and Min Value are set to Auto by default.

    For Fixed maximum or minimum, enter the values in the respective input fields.

  4. For X-Axis time zone Selection, Browser Time Zone or Source Time Zone is available for Selection depending on the time zone of the Selected source.

    If single source is configured, you can Select Browser Time Zone or Source Time Zone for X-Axis.

    If multiple sources are configured and sources are in same time zone, you can Select Browser Time Zone or Source Time Zone for X-Axis.

    If multiple sources are configured and sources are not in same time zone, X-Axis is defaulted to Browser Time Zone.


Configuring Chart settings

To configure chart settings:

  1. In the Trend Setup dialog, on the Chart tab, Select the text size from the list.

    The text size property is applied to trend axis labels, the size of the legend, the legend text size, and trend data point tooltips.

    The default setting is Medium, and the choices are Small, Medium, or Large.

  2. Select the position of the legend included in the trend display area from the list.

    The default setting is Right, which places the legend on the right side of the trend. The available choices are Off, Left, or Right.

  3. Select the content that you want to include in the legend from the available settings.

    The default Selections are Name and Value. The additional Selections are Difference and Difference (%).

    Name is either the default measurement name in the form of group.device measurement, or the custom name that you specified on the Add or Edit Data Series dialogs.

    Value is latest data value and the unit of measurement. For example, for voltage measurements, the default value is numeric_value V such as 415.2 V.

    Difference is the change in the measurement from one update to the next. For example, if the voltage is 415.8 and it changes to 416.1 at the next trend update, the difference appears as +0.3 in the legend.

    Difference (%) is the percentage change in the measurement from one update to the next. For example, if the voltage changes from 415.8 to 416.1 at the next trend update, the difference expressed as a percentage appears as +0.072% in the legend.


Configuring Data display settings

To configure data display settings:

  1. In the Trend Setup dialog, on the Data tab, specify the Data Update Intervals in the From device and From database drop-down lists.

    The default setting is 5 seconds for data updates for trends using the data directly from a device, and 5 minutes for data updates for trends with data from a database.

  2. Specify the Data Points for the x-axis of the trend in the Max per series input field.

    The default setting is 40000.

    The value must be between 100 and 500,000. Increasing the value adds more data points per series but this can result in a degradation of trend performance.


    • A data interval of 1 second equates to 3600 data points per hour (60 points per minute X 60 minutes per hour). At a setting of 40000 points, approximately 11.1 hours of data is retained for viewing (40, 000 points / 3600 points per hour = approximately 11.1 hours).

    • A data interval of 5 seconds equates to 720 data points per hour (12 points per minute X 60 minutes per hour). At a setting of 40000 points, approximately 55.5 hours of data is retained for viewing (40, 000 points / 720 points per hour = approximately 55.5 hours).

    • A data interval of 10 seconds equates to 360 data points per hour (6 points per minute X 60 minutes per hour). At a setting of 40000 points, approximately 111.1 hours of data is retained for viewing (40, 000 points / 360 points per hour = approximately 111.1 hours).