User Manager user interface

Users user interface (UI)


User Manager Help
Select Help to open the online help.


Users, User Groups, and Licenses tabs
Select a tab to open the associated screen.


Add Standard User, Add Windows User, and Add Windows Group buttons
Select a button to activate its function.

4 Search Users box
Enter a search string to find users in the users table.
5 Users table
Shows the existing users in the system.
6 Edit and Delete icons
Select Edit to make changes to this user. Select Delete to delete this user.
7 Number of displayed users
Shows the number of items visible on this page, and the total number of items in the system.
8 Page Selector
Navigate between pages. Set the number of items that are displayed on a page.


User Groups UI


Add User Group button
Select the button to add a new user group.

2 User Group table
This table shows the existing user groups in the system.


Licenses UI


Web Applications User Licenses Summary

2 Licenses table


Privileges UI


Save Privileges and Reset Privileges buttons
Select a button to activate its function. Note: Reset Privileges resets all access level privileges to their system defaults. See Default User Access Level Privileges for details.

2 Privileges table