Function: This command opens the SVN Cleanup dialog. In the dialog, you define actions that are performed when cleaning up the SVN working copy.
Call: Menu bar: Project ‣ SVN .
Internal SVN working copy |
Update time stamps (speeds up SVN status display) |
Vacuum cached pristine copies (may reduce the size of your project file) |
Clear work queue and force unlock of SVN internal data structures (emergency only!) |
Note: Use this option only if errors occur for SVN commands due to locked working copies. When this is the case, it refers to an error in CODESYS SVN. Then please send us an error report (if possible with steps to repeat) to the CODESYS support. Info: These are administrative locks that are internal locks in the SVN working copy. These locks are not set up by context menu commands. For more information, refer to the section "The three meanings of locks" in: |
Project contents |
Revert all local changes (use with care!) |
Reverts all local changes to the original status in the SVN repository. |
Release all locks |
Releases all advisory locks in the project (locks visible to the user). These locks are activated by Acquire lock and Steal lock. |
Revalidate all locks against the repository (they could have been stolen) |
Checks whether the locally available advisory locks are still valid or have been stolen by someone else for example. All invalid locks are removed. |
Status caches |
Clear all caches and refresh status icons |
Deletes all internal caches that CODESYS SVN has and updates the status icons. Required only if it issues an error in CODESYS SVN through which the caches or the status display are inconsistent. |