Additional information
The most up-to-date documentation about your meter is available for download from Available documentation includes:
Installation guides
This document is shipped with each meter. It details the mounting, wiring and basic setup of the device. There is a separate installation guide for the socket and the switchboard versions of the meter.
I/O Expander installation guide
This document describes the optional external I/O device that you can connect to the meter, for additional digital I/O and analog output ports.
Product option documents
These documents provide option-specific information about the various product options you can order for the meter. They usually ship with the product.
Online ION Setup help
The online ION Setup help has in-depth information on installation, setup and security of ION Setup. It also contains instructions on using the Setup Assistant to configure devices.
ION Reference
ION Reference describes ION architecture and provides detailed descriptions of all ION modules in all ION meters.
Online Power Monitoring Expert help
Power Monitoring Expert online help provides information and instructions on using Power Monitoring Expert components.
Software and firmware updates
You can download software and firmware updates from
Technical notes
Technical notes such as the EN50160 technical note are available from the website, and provide instructions for using meter features and for creating custom configurations.
Protocol documents
Each protocol document contains information explaining how the product interacts with a protocol, such as DNP 3.0, DLMS, Modicon Modbus, IEC 61850 and MV-90.
ION device template reference
This document lists the default ION modules and their default configuration in the shipping template for the most recent firmware releases of ION meters.