Third party protocols overview

The meter supports DNP 3.0, DLMS, Modbus RTU and Modbus/TCP, and IEC 61850 protocols.

Most Modbus, IEC 61850 and DNP modules that send meter data using these protocols are factory configured and only require basic configuration, such as communications setup.

  • Your meter is preconfigured to send Modbus data (acting as Modbus slave). It is not ready to receive data as a Modbus master until you set up the necessary framework.
  • Your meter is preconfigured to send DNP 3.0 data to a DNP master.
  • You must use an IEC 61850 configuration tool and ICD file to configure the IEC 61850 aspects of your meter, except for I/O and additional data values, which must be done through ION Setup.

NOTE: Changing the default third-party protocol frameworks (or creating new frameworks to enable receive functionality) is an advanced procedure that requires an understanding of the protocol and the meter’s internal operation before you proceed. Refer to the descriptions in the ION Reference of the DNP, IEC 61850 and Modbus modules. Refer to the Multiport DNP 3.0 and ION Technology, DNP 3.0 Device Profile, IEC 61850 and ION Technology, and Modbus and ION Technology documents for information on these protocols.

Communications protocol configuration

In order to use the pre-configured Modbus or DNP slave configuration, you must first assign the communications protocol that you want to use to the applicable port. By default, all communications ports are configured to use the ION protocol. Select the third-party protocol that you want from the list of available protocols for the communications port you are configuring. See Communications for instructions. You do not have to assign a communications channel for IEC 61850, but your meter must have an Ethernet connection.

NOTE: Modbus RTU is available on each of the meter’s communications ports, and multiple ports can communicate using Modbus simultaneously. Modbus TCP is available on the meter’s optional Ethernet connection. Up to three ports can use the DNP 3.00 protocol at any one time.