Time synchronization

Time synchronization lets you synchronize your meter’s internal clock with all the other meters, devices, and software in a network. After the meter is synchronized, all the data logs stored on the meter have timestamps that are relative to a uniform time base. This allows you to achieve precise sequence-of-events and power quality analyses using the data logged on the meter. Use Power Monitoring Expert or ION Setup to broadcast time signals across the network, or utilize an external source (such as a DNP Master or IRIG-B) to synchronize your meter’s clock.

Refer to the Time Synchronization & Timekeeping technical note for more information on implementing time synchronization.

Refer to the DLMS/COSEM and ION technology protocol document for information on time synchronization with DLMS.

IRIG-B time synchronization

ION8650 meters come with an IRIG-B connection for GPS time synchronization using unmodulated IRIG-B time code data. The meter is configured to synchronize via IRIG-B GPS, after you wire the meter to a GPS receiver and set the clock Time Sync Source and Clock Source parameters.

Any GPS receiver that outputs unmodulated IRIG-B time code data can be used as a time synchronization source.

You can configure IRIG-B time synchronization to update if the GPS receiver is locked onto a satellite source or to update regardless of whether the GPS receiver is locked onto a satellite source. Refer to the Clock module description in the ION Reference for more information on this setting.

NOTE: When using a GPS receiver for time synchronization, the recommended setting for baud rate and 8N1 for stop bits/parity.

IRIG-B standard and specifications

The standard is outlined in the IRIG-STANDARD 200-04 “IRIG Serial Time Code Formats” prepared by the Timing Committee, Telecommunications and Timing Group, Range Commanders Council.


+/- 1 ms


IRIG-B00x¹ format (unmodulated IRIG-B time code)

Nominal Voltage

5 Vdc +/- 10%

Maximum Voltage

8 Vdc

¹ Coded expressions 0 to 7 are supported but the year data is not used by the meters.

Diagnostic module outputs and event log entries

The Diagnostic module output registers and event log entries update as described in the Time Synchronization & Timekeeping technical note, with the following exceptions:

  • The GPS Receiver Status output register in the Diagnostics module is set to N/A.
  • The GPS locked and GPS unlocked event log entries are not generated.