Configuring demand

Use Power Monitoring Expert or ION Setup to change your meter’s demand settings.

Using the front panel

You cannot use the front panel to configure demand.

Using ION Setup

The Demand screen in the Setup Assistant helps you configure sliding window (or rolling block) demand. This screen also contains two registers used for configuring sliding window demand while the meter is in TEST mode.

In ION Setup:

  1. Open the Setup Assistant for your meter. See the ION Setup Help for instructions.
  2. Select the Demand screen.
  3. Select a register and click Edit to configure.

Using Designer

Open your meter in Designer and navigate to the Demand Setup framework. Click on Demand Setup to access the Sliding Window Demand modules. Right-click on a module to edit.

Sliding Window Demand module settings

The following table outlines the sliding window demand settings. See the ION Reference for more information about the Sliding Window Demand module.

Setup register Function Default
Sub Intvl The time, in seconds, in the sliding window demand sub-interval. 900
#SubIntvls The number of sub-intervals in the sliding window. 1
Pred Resp The speed of Predicted Demand calculations; use higher values for faster prediction (70 to 99 recommended). 70
Update Rate Defines the update rate of the SWinDemand output register Varies depending on the module

Configuring demand reset lockout time

The demand reset lockout time sets the minimum time allowed between consecutive demand resets; the meter ignores any attempts to reset demand that occur within the lockout time. The default demand lockout time is 25 days (2160000 seconds).

Using the front panel

  1. Hold down the ALT/ENTER button to access the SETUP menu.
  2. Use the up and down arrows to highlight DISPLAY SETUP then press the ALT/ENTER button.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to highlight DMD LOCK TO then press the ALT/ENTER button.
  4. Use the up and down arrows to enter a demand lockout time in seconds. Press ALT/ENTER to apply the value.

Using ION Setup

  1. Open the Setup Assistant for your meter. See the ION Setup Help for instructions
  2. Select the Demand screen and click the Rolling Block tab.
  3. Select Demand Lockout and click Edit. Enter a demand lockout time in days (in Elapsed Interval Format) or seconds (in Numeric Bounded Format). Click OK.