PQDIF Exporter

PQDIF (Power Quality Data Interchange Format) is a non-proprietary means of exchanging power quality data between different metering devices and software.

Developed under the guidelines of IEEE P1159.3, PQDIF provides a common ground where different vendors can export to or import from, using a data format consistent with the defined PQDIF standard.

Power Monitoring Expert supports PQDIF through the “PQDIF Exporter” add-on. PQDIF Exporter takes data from the Power Monitoring Expert SQL Server database, converts it to PQDIF, and stores this formatted file for viewing with any of the various programs that can display PQDIF data. The PQDIF Exporter allows you to set regularly scheduled exports of ION data to PQDIF, as well as perform these exports manually.

This guide provides basic configuration and operation instructions for the PQDIF Exporter. It is assumed that the user already has knowledge of PQDIF. For details on viewing the PQDIF data, refer to the documentation that came with your PQDIF viewer. For detailed information on the PQDIF specification, visit the IEEE website.