Operating Environment

PME supports the following environments and software:

NOTE: The operating system and SQL Server combination you choose must be supported by Microsoft. This applies to edition, version, and 32-/64-bit.

NOTE: Apply the latest updates to the operating system and database system before installing or upgrading PME.

Software Supported Versions
Operating system*

Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise
Windows 11 Professional/Enterprise
Windows Server 2016 Standard
Windows Server 2019 Standard
Windows Server 2022 Standard
Windows server 2019 Datacenter
Windows server 2022 Datacenter

Database system**

SQL Server 2016 Express
SQL Server 2017 Express
SQL Server 2019 Express
SQL Server 2022 Express (included with PME 2024 )
SQL Server 2016 Standard/Enterprise/Business Intelligence
SQL Server 2017 Standard/Enterprise/Business Intelligence
SQL Server 2019 Standard/Enterprise/Business Intelligence
SQL Server 2022 Standard/Enterprise/Business Intelligence

Virtual environment***

VMWare Workstation 10
VMWare ESXi 7.0
Oracle Virtual Box 5.0.4
Microsoft Hyper-V from Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Citrix XenServer 6.2
Parallels Desktop 10

Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel 2016, 365
Desktop Web browser

Google Chrome version 100
Mozilla Firefox version support 128
Apple Safari versions 7 or 8
Microsoft Edge

Mobile Web browser

Safari on iOS8.3+ operating systems, Chrome on Android systems

.NET Framework

.NET 4.8

* For information on choosing an operating system, see Operating System considerations.

** PME includes a free version of SQL Server Express. You have the option to install this Express version during the installation of PME, if you don't want to use a different SQL Server. For information on the limitations when using SQL Server Express, see SQL Server considerations.

*** You must configure virtual environments with a supported Windows operating system and SQL Server edition. It is possible to mix virtual and non-virtual environments for PME server and clients.