Installing the PME software

NOTE: Perform the software installation directly on the server, do not do a remote installation.

NOTE: As part of the software installation you need to provide SQL Server credentials with sysadmin privileges on the database server. For Distributed Database architectures, if you are not able to provide these kinds of credentials, see Installing PME with manual installation of the databases for an alternate installation method.

Start the installation process by inserting the PME DVD into the DVD drive. If the installation does not start automatically, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the DVD drive and double-click MainSetup.exe.

  1. Install Microsoft .NET Framework if prompted.

    After installing the .NET Framework, you are prompted to restart your system. After the restart, double-click MainSetup.exe to continue the PME installation.

  2. Application Language page:

    Select the Application Language and click Next.

    The Application Language setting determines the language that is displayed in the following installer pages and the language of the PME system that is installed.

  1. Welcome page:

    Review the reminders for tasks to complete before continuing with the installation, and click Next.

  2. License Agreement page:

    Read the End User License Agreement (EULA) on the License Agreement page. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, click I Agree to proceed.

  3. Setup Type page:

    Select the Setup Type you want to install and click Next.

    Standalone Server:

    Application Server:

    Secondary Server

    NOTE: Secondary Server installations are not common and are used only in exceptional circumstances. They require advanced network configuration. Contact Technical Services if you think you need a Secondary Server.

    NOTE: Secondary servers must be able to access files on the primary application server. This is done through a file share on the primary server. You must set up this file share before continuing with the Secondary server install. The install will not be successful if the file share cannot be found. For details on how to set up the file share, see Create a file share for Engineering clients and Secondary servers.

    Engineering Client:

    NOTE: Engineering clients must be able to access files on the application server. This is done through a file share on the server. You must set up this file share before continuing with the Engineering client install. The install will not be successful if the file share cannot be found. For details on how to set up the file share, see Create a file share for Engineering clients and Secondary servers.

  4. NOTE: Not all of the following installer pages are shown for all Setup Types. See Setup Types and applicable Installer pages for more information.

  5. (Standalone Server and Application Server) System Key page:

    Select Generate a system key or Import a system key and click Next.

    Generate a system key for the initial installation of a Standalone Server or Application Server setup type, or when you are re-installing one of those setup types and a system key is not available.

    Import a system key when you are re-installing a Standalone Server, or an Application Server setup type and you have the system key that you previously exported.

  6. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Export System Key page:

    It is mandatory that you export the system key. Next is enabled after you complete the export.

    1. Click Export System Key to open the file explorer.
    2. Navigate to the location where you want to store the system key.
    3. Type a file name for the system key and click Save.
    4. Click Next.

    The system key is required if you install an Engineering Client, or if you need to uninstall and then reinstall Power Monitoring Expert.

    NOTE: You can export the system key at any time after the installation. See PME Installer for details.

  7. (Engineering Client) Import System Key page:

    The Engineering Client installation needs to use the system key that you exported when you installed a Standalone Server or an Application Server.

    1. Ensure that the system key is available.
    2. Click Import System Key to open a file explorer.
    3. Navigate to and click the system key file.
    4. Click Open to add the system key location to the Import System Key page.
    5. Click Next.

  8. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Web Application page:

    Change the default URL path for the Web Applications component of the product, or use the default values, and click Next.

  9. (Engineering Client) Application Server page:

    Enter or select the PME Application Server and click Next.

    NOTE: The first time you are installing an Engineering Client for a system, the selection box on this page is empty. Manually enter the name of the Application Server or Standalone Server. For repeated client installs, you can select the server name from the box.

  10. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Diagnostics and Usage page:

    Enable or disable this service and click Next.

    Diagnostics and Usage, when enabled, collects and sends system data to Schneider Electric. We use this data to help improve our software by understanding how you use it. See Diagnostics and Usage for details.

    See Resources for a link to the Privacy Policy.

  11. File Destination page:

    This page shows the default installation location for the product folders and files. Use the browse button to select a different location if desired. Click Next. Click Yes if you are prompted to create the folder.

  12. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Supervisor Account page:

    Enter and confirm a password for the supervisor account for the software.

    The supervisor account has the highest level of access to the system. Use this account to configure the system. The entered password must meet the length and complexity requirements, which is displayed on the page. Next is enabled after the password meets the requirements.


    potential compromise of System availability, integrity, and confidentiality

    Use cybersecurity best practices for password creation and management.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, equipment damage, or permanent loss of data.

    Cybersecurity policies that govern user accounts and access - such as least privilege, separation of duties - vary from site to site. Work with the facility IT System Administrator to ensure that user access adheres to the site-specific cybersecurity policies.

    NOTE: If you continue to the next pages in the Installer and then return to this page by clicking Back, the page contains a Change Password button. If you want to change the password that you initially entered, click Change Password, type the new password in the fields, and click Next to proceed.

  13. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Windows Accounts page:

    Use the default password for the Windows accounts or change the password and click Next.

    NOTE: If you change the password, the password you are providing must comply with the password policies of the Windows server and the SQL server.
    The software installer cannot validate the password at the time you enter it.
    If the password is not valid, the installation will not be successful. In that case, complete the installation, skipping any unsuccessful steps. See Unsuccessful installation due to invalid account passwords for information on how to repair the unsuccessful install.

    PME uses two Windows accounts for its operation, IONMaintenance and IONUser. By default, the password for these accounts is generated automatically by the installer. The same password is used for both accounts.

    The IONMaintenance account is used to run PME database jobs in Windows Task Scheduler. The IONUser account is used for subscriptions created in the Reports application when the generated report is created using the fileshare option.

    NOTE: If you want to later change the settings for the database jobs in Windows Task Scheduler, you need the password for the IONMaintenance account. In this case you must choose your own password for the Windows Accounts on this page since the default password cannot be retrieved.

    NOTE: You can change the Windows Accounts password at any time after the installation. See PME Installer for details.


    potential compromise of System availability, integrity, and confidentiality

    Use cybersecurity best practices for password creation and management.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, equipment damage, or permanent loss of data.

    Cybersecurity policies that govern user accounts and access - such as least privilege, separation of duties - vary from site to site. Work with the facility IT System Administrator to ensure that user access adheres to the site-specific cybersecurity policies.

  14. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Database Accounts page:

    Select Use SQL Server Authentication or Use Windows Integrated Authentication for the PME database accounts. For SQL Server Authentication, use the default password for the database accounts, or change the password. For Windows Integrated Authentication, specify an existing Windows account. Click Next.

    NOTE: Windows Integrated Authentication is not supported for PME systems with Secondary Servers.

    NOTE: If you change the password, the password you are providing must comply with the password policies of the Windows server and the SQL server.
    The software installer cannot validate the password at the time you enter it.
    If the password is not valid, the installation will not be successful. In that case, complete the installation, skipping any unsuccessful steps. See Unsuccessful installation due to invalid account passwords for information on how to repair the unsuccessful install.

    With SQL Server Authentication, PME uses three SQL accounts for its database access, ION, ionedsd and AMUser. These accounts are created by the installer. By default, the password for these accounts is generated automatically by the installer. The same password is used for all three accounts.

    With Windows Integrated Authentication, PME uses one Windows account for its database access. You must choose an existing account or create a new one with the correct access permissions. We recommend you create a new, dedicated Windows account for this.

    NOTE: The Windows account for Windows Integrated Authentication must be created outside of the PME installer. You cannot create this account through the installer.

    NOTE: When PME is installed with Windows Integrated Authentication, the Windows account that is used to access the database is also used to run the PME services and the IIS Application Pools.

    NOTE: You can change the password for the SQL accounts and update the password for the Integrated Authentication Windows account at any time after the installation. See PME Installer for details.


    potential compromise of System availability, integrity, and confidentiality

    Use cybersecurity best practices for password creation and management.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, equipment damage, or permanent loss of data.

    Cybersecurity policies that govern user accounts and access - such as least privilege, separation of duties - vary from site to site. Work with the facility IT System Administrator to ensure that user access adheres to the site-specific cybersecurity policies.

    NOTE: For Windows Integrated Authentication, enter the Windows account User Name as DOMAIN\UserName or COMPUTERNAME\UserName.

  15. (Standalone Server and Application Server) SQL Server page:

    For a Standalone Server setup type when no SQL Server instance is detected

    • The page indicates that SQL Server Express will be installed. Click Next.

    For a Standalone Server setup type when the detected SQL Server instances include one with the name ION

    • Select the database server instance, provide the necessary authentication values, and click Next.

      NOTE: The user account, Windows or SQL, that is specified in this step, is used for the installation of PME and for future password changes. This is different from the database accounts that are used during the operation of the software. These accounts were defined in the previous step.

      NOTE: For the Windows Authentication option, the current Windows user needs to be a member of the sysadmin SQL Server role. For the specified SQL Server authentication option, the SQL Server user needs to be a member of the sysadmin SQL Server role.

      Select the SQL Server instance that you were planning to use with PME when you installed or reconfigured the SQL Server.

    For a Standalone Server setup type when the detected SQL Server instances do not include one with the name ION

    • Select either the Install SQL Server Express on this computer option to install an instance specifically for use with PME or select one of the detected database instances you want to use with PME. Click Next.

      NOTE: The user account, Windows or SQL, that is specified in this step, is used for PME installation. This is different from the database accounts that are used during the operation of the software. These accounts were defined in the previous step.

      After the completion of the SQL Server Express installation, a system check is performed to verify that the mandatory prerequisites have been met. The results of the verification are shown on the Check System page.


      potential compromise of System availability, integrity, and confidentiality

      Use cybersecurity best practices for password creation and management.

      Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, equipment damage, or permanent loss of data.

      Cybersecurity policies that govern user accounts and access - such as least privilege, separation of duties - vary from site to site. Work with the facility IT System Administrator to ensure that user access adheres to the site-specific cybersecurity policies.

      NOTE: We recommend that you change the SQL Server Express sa account password after installing PME.

    For an Application Server setup type

    • If this is the first time that you are installing an application server, the dropdown field for the remote database server is empty. Ensure that your database server is defined in your system network and type its name and the SQL Server instance in the Database Server field, where the format is server_name\instance_name.

      Click Next.

      NOTE: The user account, Windows or SQL, that is specified in this step, is used for PME installation. This is different from the database accounts that are used during the operation of the software. These accounts were defined in the previous step.

      NOTE: For the Windows Authentication option, the current Windows user needs to be a member of the sysadmin SQL Server role. For the specified SQL Server authentication option, the SQL Server user needs to be a member of the sysadmin SQL Server role.


  16. (Standalone Server and Application Server) Database Files Destination page:

    For the Standalone Server setup type

    This page shows the installation location for the PME databases. Click Next. Click Yes if you are prompted to create the folder.

    For the Application Server setup type

    This page shows the database file location on the database server that you selected on the Database Software page.

    NOTE: Enter the path to the folder on the database server where you want to install the database files (MDF and LDF files). The installer will create this folder if it does not exist.

  17. Check System page:

    The Check System page verifies that the mandatory prerequisites have been met before proceeding. If there is a problem, the item is identified and clicking on it displays additional information about the situation. Click Next.

    Note that if you specified a Windows account other than the local system account when you installed SQL Server, the Check System page will show that the service account under which the SQL Server currently runs does not have the required system permissions. In that case do one of the following:

    • Temporarily change the SQL Server service to run under an account that has Write permissions to (1) the folder created for the product's databases (the default is the install location for ...\Power Monitoring Expert\), and (2) the current logged-in user's Temp folder. (To find the full path to the Temp folder, click Start > Run, enter %Temp% and click OK.) The default local system account is an example of an account with these privileges.
    • Temporarily grant Write permission for the two folders mentioned above to the Windows account that the SQL Server service runs under. Use the Windows Services control panel to identify this account. (Click Start > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click SQL Server, click the Log On tab in the SQL Server Properties dialog.)

    Revert the temporary changes after the installation of PME completes.

  18. Ready to Configure page:

    The Ready to Configure page summarizes your configuration for the installation of the software. Click Install to begin the installation.

  19. Copy Files page:

    The Copy Files page indicates the progress as files are copied to the server as part of the installation.

    When the copy operation is complete, the system configuration process begins and is shown on the Configure System page. Click Next when the configuration process ends.

    The Configure System page shows each of the configuration steps. If a configuration step is not successful, an X appears in a column to the left of the item. Click the link on the message text on the right of the item to display instructions for resolving the error. If you correct the problem, click Try Again to continue with the installation. Otherwise, cancel the install process until you can resolve the problem.

  20. Complete page:

    The Complete page contains links that open the Installation Log and start the Web Applications component, respectively.

    The Installation Log summarizes the processing that took place during the installation process. (You can access the installation log at a later time in the install location within ...\Power Monitoring Expert\SetupLogs).

    Click the Web Application link to verify that Web Applications component launches successfully in a browser.

  21. Click Close to close the installer.