Gadgets are graphical display objects used in the dashboard display pane for charting trends over time, or in comparison with correlated measurements or similar functionality. The gadgets available for a dashboard are listed in the Gadget Setup dialog, which opens when you click Add Gadget in the Dashboard Controls area.
TIP: When the gadget is displayed in the dashboard, you can click an item in the gadget legend to toggle the graphical display of data for that item on and off. When you place the pointer on an item in the gadget, a tooltip provides information related to that item. You can also click the maximize gadget icon to fill the browser page with the gadget. Click the Restore icon
to return the gadget to its original size on the dashboard.
Use the following links to jump to the descriptions of the different gadget types:
Related topics:
For reference information see:
For information on how to configure Dashboards, see Dashboards configuration.