Data Set Recorder Module

The Data Set Recorder Module records high-speed transient event data captured by the HSTC (High-speed transient capture) Module.

Module icon


High-speed transient event data from the HSTC Module is linked to the Source input of the Data Set Recorder Module. The Data Set Recorder Module records this data and stores it in the Data Log output register. The number of records to store and the recording mode are configured in the module’s setup registers.

If you re-link any of the inputs or make any changes to the setup registers, the contents of the Data Log output register are cleared. To save the information, ensure that the data has first been uploaded before re-linking inputs or changing setup registers.


data Loss

Ensure that all important data has been recorded before modifying the Data Set Recorder module.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

NOTE: The registers and settings available in this module depend on the device or node you are configuring, as well as its firmware and template versions. Not all registers or settings are available on all devices or the Virtual Processor, and labels may vary.



This input is linked to the HSTC module Event Data Set output register. You must link this input for the module to operate.


This input enables or disables the module. When the Enable input is true the module is enabled. When the Enable input is false the module is disabled. If you disable the module it stops recording, and data stored in the Data Log output is retained.

Linking this input is optional; if you leave it unlinked, the module is enabled.


A pulse on this input clears all stored data logs and restores storage capacity as defined in the Depth setup register. The result of a pulse on this input is determined by the RecordMode setup register.


RecordMode Result of a pulse on the Rearm input
circular No change. Pulses on the Rearm input are ignored.
stop-when-full All stored data logs are cleared and the module storage capacity, as defined in the Depth setup register, is restored.

NOTE: The Rearm input must be linked when the RecordMode is set to stop-when-full.


A pulse on this input resets all module output registers to their default state.

Setup registers


This register defines the number of records that can be stored in the Data Log output register.

The number of data set records your meter can store is influenced by:

  • the meter’s total long-term memory.
  • the long-term memory used by other ION modules that store data.

The higher you set this number, the more memory is required. If your device has insufficient memory available to store the number of records defined in the Depth setup register, you will receive an error message. In this case, you need to enter a lower number, or reduce the memory used by other ION modules.

You must enter a non-zero value for the module to function.

Buffer Depth

Under certain conditions, such as an increase in logging activity, your meter may record data at a rate faster than it can write it to long-term memory. Data records are retained in the meter’s buffer until the meter can write them to the meter’s long-term memory.

This register defines the number of records stored in the meter’s short-term log memory (i.e. Buffer).


This register defines the recording mode, circular or stop-when-full, which determines how the module stores data records to the Data Log output registers.


RecordMode Description
circular The module continuously stores Source data to the Data Log output register. Old Source data is overwritten with new Source data when the number of stored records equals the maximum depth defined in the Depth setup register.
stop-when-full The module stops storing Source data to the Data Log output register when the number of records equals the maximum depth defined in the Depth setup register.

Output registers

Data Log

This register contains a log of the recorded Source input data. The maximum number of records is defined in the Depth setup register.

Log State

This register indicates when Data Log output register is full. The function of this register is determined by the RecordMode setup register.


RecordMode Log State Description
circular false

The Data Log output register is not full.

Note: The Log State output register is always false when the RecordMode setup register is set to circular.

stop-when-full false

The Data Log output register is not full.

Additional records can be stored to the Data Log output.


The Data Log output register is full.

Data Log records must be cleared before new records can be stored.

Records Left

This register indicates the number of additional data records the module can store to the Data Log output register before it is full. The function of this register is determined by the RecordMode setup register.


RecordMode Records Left output
circular The Records Left output register displays not available.
stop-when-full The Records Left output register displays a numeric value indicating how many additional records can be stored. A negative value indicates the number of records that were missed (I.e. not stored) because the Data Log output was full.

Record Complete

This register generates a pulse when the data at the Source input is stored to the Data Log output register.

Buffer exceeded

This register indicates the number of records lost, in a situation where the buffer is exceeded. Increase the Buffer Depth setup register value to minimize the loss of data under heavy logging conditions.

Buffer remaining

This register indicates how much of the buffer (number of records) is unused to help determine when the data recorder is nearing the limit of its buffer capacity.


All events are recorded in the Event register.

Possible events and their associated priority numbers are:

Event priority groupPriorityDescription
Setup Change 10 Input links, setup registers or labels have changed.

The Event output register stores the following information for each ION event: time stamp, priority, cause, effect, and any values or conditions associated with the cause and effect.

Responses to special conditions

The following table summarizes how the module acts under different conditions:

ConditionResponse of output registers
The Source input is not available.All output registers hold the last values obtained when the input was available.
The Enable input is off. The Data Log register retains the data that was stored before the Enable input became false. The Log State register is unaffected.
The module inputs are re-linked, or the setup registers are changed.All stored data in the Data Log output register is deleted.
The device is powered-up (either the first time or after a shutdown).The Data Log register retains the data it held at shutdown.