Display Options Module
The Display Options Module controls attributes of a front panel display.
Module icon
The Display Options Module is a core module that cannot be deleted, copied, or linked. It is configured by altering the contents of its setup registers.
NOTE: The registers and settings available in this module depend on the device or node you are configuring, as well as its firmware and template versions. Not all registers or settings are available on all devices or the Virtual Processor, and labels may vary.
The Display Options Module has no inputs.
Setup registers
This register holds the number of seconds that a screen remains on the front panel display before scrolling to the next screen.
PF Symbol
This register specifies how the power factor data is labeled.
Digit Grouping
This register determines how groups of three digits are separated.
Date Format
This register determines how the date is shown.
Volts Resolution
This register determines the number of decimal places of accuracy that voltage readings display.
Current Resolution
This register determines the number of decimal places of accuracy that current readings display.
Power Resolution
This register determines the number of decimal places of accuracy that power and energy readings display.
This register holds the global contrast setting for the meter display.
Backlight Timeout
This register holds the number of seconds that the backlight of the front panel display stays on after the last press of a front panel button.
Display Update
This register controls how frequently the screen data values are updated.
DST Options
This register controls whether or not the display time value should reflect daylight savings time (DST).
Demand Lockout Timeout
This register determines the minimum time allowed between consecutive demand resets.
Display Scaling Factor
Any Display module that is set to display scaled parameters (see the Display module's Screen Type setup register) divides or multiplies its parameters by this Display Scaling Factor before displaying them. Scaling by division or multiplication is selected in the Display Scaling Mode.
Display Scaling
This register specifies whether parameters are divided or multiplied by the Display Scaling Factor before displaying them. Division is the default.
Front Panel Programming
This register defines whether or not to allow meter configuration changes through the device's front panel. Some meters do not even show the meter's settings when this register is set to disallow changes.
Delta Vector Display
This register determines how vector diagrams are displayed on the meter's front panel. Two settings are available:
- Instrument (voltage vectors appear 60 degrees apart - showing the actual voltage and current values that the meter is measuring).
- System (voltage vectors appear 120 degrees apart - showing true system operation including any calculated values).
This register only applies when the meter is in Delta volts mode. See the Detailed Operation section for more information.
Test Mode Timeout
This register holds the number of seconds that the device remains in TEST mode before automatically reverting to NORM mode. This timer resets if a front panel button is pressed or a setup register is altered.
Display Mode
This register controls whether or not the screens displayed on the front panel are programmable via Display modules.
This register controls which language is used to display information on the front panel. The default is English.
Measurement Symbols
This register determines which set of measurement symbols are used on the front panel – IEEE (Vll, Vln, kW, kVAR, kVA) or IEC (U, V, P, Q, S).
Time Format
This register determines what format time is displayed in on the front panel – 24 hour or 12 hour.
RD <V/I> Vector Colour
These registers determine the color of the current and/or voltage vectors on the remote display’s phasor diagram.
RD Med, High Event
These registers determine the event priority that defines a medium or high event on the remote display’s event log screen.
RD Low, Med, High Event Colour
These registers determine the event color on the remote display’s event log screen.
Voltage Units, Current Units, Power
Units, Energy Units
These registers determine the units applied to each type of measurement. To identify which values have these units applied, refer to the display and web units information on your meter’s Modbus map, available from www.se.com.
Nrm Mode Scrns
Scrl Dly (Normal mode screen scroll delay)
This register contains the time (in seconds) that elapses between successive screens for the normal mode displays. Setting this register to 0 (zero) stops the screens from auto-scrolling.
Custom Scrns Scrl Dly (Custom screens
scroll delay)
This register contains the time (in seconds) that elapses between successive custom display screens. Setting this register to 0 (zero) stops the screens from auto-scrolling.
Output registers
All events are recorded in the Event register.
Possible events and their associated priority numbers are:
Event priority group | Priority | Description |
Setup Change | 10 | Setup registers or labels have been changed. |
The Event output register stores the following information for each ION event: time stamp, priority, cause, effect, and any values or conditions associated with the cause and effect.
Detailed module operation
Delta Vector Display Type
Diagrams 1 and 2 below illustrate how the vector diagram (phasor) is displayed depending on the value of this setup register.
NOTE: This diagram is a simplified representation and should not be used as a wiring diagram reference. Refer to your device’s documentation for appropriate wiring instructions.
Diagram 1
For the wiring diagram illustrated above, the vector diagram (phasor) is displayed as shown below in Diagram 2. If the Delta Vector Display Type is set to system, the vector diagram is displayed as per the figure on the left. The figure on the right corresponds to the instrument setting.
Diagram 2