External String Module

The External String Module provides a string register that you can set to a certain value.

Module icon


This can be useful for providing string values for display in Vista or in the Web-based Diagrams application, for providing string content within notifications via email or SMS messages, and for providing optional arguments to external software via the Database Import and Email modules. For example, you can use this module to store the customer name for inclusion in an email notification, and therefore store it in a Virtual Processor framework.


External String Modules have no inputs; they are controlled via communications.

Setup registers

EvPriority (event priority)

This register allows you to assign a priority level to the events produced when the output register is written. When EvPriority is zero, no event is written.

Output registers


External String Modules have a single string register which can be manually controlled via communications.


All events produced by an External String Module are written into this register.

Possible events and their associated priority numbers are shown in the following table:

Event priority groupPriorityDescription
Setup Change10Input links, setup registers or labels have changed.
Output Value Written*A value is written to the String output register.
* The priority of this event is determined by the value in the EvPriority setup register.

Responses to special conditions

The following table summarizes how the External String Module behaves under certain conditions.

ConditionResponse of output registers
When the device is started or powered-up (either the first time, or after a shut-down).The String output register retains the value in held at shutdown.