Factory Module
The Factory Module allows you to view your meter’s type, revision number, serial number, and installed options.
Module icon
Registers are also provided for you to input your name, address or any other information that you want to store onboard the meter. Often the Factory module’s registers contain calibration values used at the factory. These registers can be viewed but they cannot be changed. See the setup and output register sections for a list of these registers.
NOTE: The registers and settings available in this module depend on the device or node you are configuring, as well as its firmware and template versions. Not all registers or settings are available on all devices or the Virtual Processor, and labels may vary.
The Factory Module has no programmable inputs.
Setup registers
Device Type
This read-only register shows the type of meter that is in operation.
This read-only register stores the ION compliance of the meter.
This read-only register lists the options included with the meter.
This read-only register stores the revision number of the meter.
Metering FW Revision
This read-only register is for internal use only.
SerialNum (serial number)
This read-only register stores the serial number of the meter.
ION Version
This read-only register stores the ION version number.
NOTE: The ION version does not correlate to firmware versions.
This read-write register indicates the template (or framework) that is loaded into the meter.
Default Template
This read-only register indicates the original factory default template of the meter.
RMD Revision
This read-only register stores the revision number of the remote display connected to the meter. This register is only populated if a remote display is connected to the meter, otherwise it is blank.
RMD SerialNum (serial number)
This read-only register stores the serial number of the remote display connected to the meter. This register is only populated if a remote display is connected to the meter, otherwise it is blank.
Upgrade Agent Revision
This read-only register indicates the revision of the upgrade agent. The upgrade agent re-initiates the upgrade process if a power cycle occurs during a firmware upgrade.
Opt Mod A/B/C/... Revision
These read-only registers store the revision numbers of the option modules connected to the meter. Option modules are identified based on the physical order of the attached modules. The option module attached directly to the meter is module A, the module attached to module A is module B, and so on. These registers are only populated if an option module is connected to the meter, otherwise they are blank.
Opt Mod A/B/C/...
SerialNum (serial number)
These read-only registers store the serial numbers of the option modules connected to the meter. Option modules are identified based on the physical order of the attached modules. The option module attached directly to the meter is module A, the module attached to module A is module B, and so on. These registers are only populated if an option module is connected to the meter, otherwise they are blank.
Opt Mod ResetBusOnError
This read-write register specifies the meter’s behavior when it detects a communication error between the meter and any of the connected option modules. If set to automatic, the meter automatically performs an option module reset in an attempt to restore communications; if set to manual, the meter will not perform an automatic option module reset.
During an option module reset, your option modules may not operate normally, and digital and analog outputs may change state.
unintended operation
Do not use this device for critical control or protection applications where human or equipment safety relies on the operation of the control circuit.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
Feature Set
This read-only register describes the feature set of the meter.
Device Namespace
This configurable string is used as the name attribute in the GeneratedBy and Device elements of XML attachments. The default value is EnterDeviceNamespaceHere — this must be changed in order to allow the Log Export module to go online (see the Gatewayed Device Namespace setup register for the Log Export module) but is optional otherwise. The value range can be up to 80 characters with no spaces and no slashes but can include a dash (hyphen) or a dot (period).
NOTE: A namespace uniquely identifies a set of names so that there is no ambiguity when objects with different origins but the same names are mixed together. A namespace is commonly given the name of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) - such as a web site address - both because the namespace may be associated with the site or page of that URI (for example, a company name) and because a URI is likely to be a unique name.
Device Name
This configurable string is used as the name attribute in the GeneratedBy and Device elements of XML attachments. The default value is EnterDeviceNameHere — this must be changed in order to allow the Log Export module to go online (see the Gatewayed Device Name setup register for the Log Export module) but is optional otherwise. The value range can be up to 80 characters with no spaces and no slashes but can include a dash (hyphen) or a dot (period).
This configurable string is available for storing the name of the meter’s owner.
This configurable string register is available for storing additional information, such as the name or address of the owner’s organization.
This configurable string register is available for storing additional information, such as the name or address of the owner’s organization.
Vnominal, Inominal, V4nominal, I4nominal,
These registers set the nominal voltage and current used for harmonics calculations when a Harmonics Display Mode or THD Display Mode register is set to percent nominal. For more information on the Display Mode registers, see the Harmonics Measurement and Harmonics Analyzer module descriptions.
This read-only register contains the expected operating frequency for the meter:
- The frequency specified by the Factory module’s NomFreq setup register, or
- The value specified in the Power Meter module’s Nominal Frequency setup register, if the device supports it.
This read-only register contains the operating frequency used to factory-calibrate the meter.
MAC Address
This read-only register holds the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the meter.
Vendor Name
This read-only register identifies the manufacturer of the meter.
Alt PT Prim, Alt PT Sec, Alt CT Prim,
Alt CT Sec, Alt I4 Prim, Alt I4 Sec
These read-write registers contain alternate scaling values for the PT, CT and I4 primaries and secondaries, to allow scaling of operational values on revenue locked meters. For more information, refer to your meter’s User Guide.
Modl Period (module period)
This register contains the Virtual Processor’s module update period, expressed in milliseconds. The supported range is 50 to 1 x 109 milliseconds.
NOTE: To change the values for Modl Period, Save Period, Serv Period or Clnt Freq, run the Virtual Processor Setup utility located in the Power Monitoring Expert Management Console under Tools > System > ION Virtual Processor Setup.
Save Period (saver
This register contains the Virtual Processor’s configuration saver period, that is, the period (in seconds) at which VIP.CFG and VIP.BAK are alternately updated. The supported range is 10 to 1 x 109 seconds.
Serv Period (server period)
This register contains the Virtual Processor’s server polling period, that is, the period (in milliseconds) at which the Virtual Processor server subsystem sends updated information to client nodes.
Clnt Freq (client
This register specifies the client polling frequency, that is, how often the Virtual Processor client subsystem polls server nodes for information.
COM1 Enabled
This register specifies whether COM1 is enabled or disabled. If the COM1 hardware is not present, the register displays not available.
You may need to power cycle your device for the change to this register to take effect. See the description of the Comm Change Pending output register for more information.
COM2 Enabled
This register specifies whether COM2 is enabled or disabled. If the COM2 hardware is not present, the register displays not available.
You may need to power cycle your device for the change to this register to take effect. See the description of the Comm Change Pending output register for more information.
COM3 Enabled
This register specifies whether COM3 is enabled or disabled. If the COM3 hardware is not present, the register displays not available.
You may need to power cycle your device for the change to this register to take effect. See the description of the Comm Change Pending output register for more information.
COM4 Enabled
This register specifies whether COM4 is enabled or disabled. If the COM4 hardware is not present, the register displays not available.
You may need to power cycle your device for the change to this register to take effect. See the description of the Comm Change Pending output register for more information.
Ethernet Enabled
This register specifies whether Ethernet is enabled or disabled. If the Ethernet hardware is not present, the register displays not available.
You may need to power cycle your device for the change to this register to take effect. See the description of the Comm Change Pending output register for more information.
Calibration registers
The following list of numeric registers displays calibration values. Calibration values are used during factory calibration.
V1Ncal | I2Ncal_q | I1Ucal | V2cal | CT1 I Nominal | Alt1 CT1 Cal Const C | Alt2 CT2 V Nominal |
V2Ncal | I3Ncal_q | I1x20cal | V2Ocal | CT1 V Nominal | Alt1 CT1 Name Tag | Alt2 CT2 Cal Const A |
V3Ncal | I1Ocal_q | I20nominal | V3cal | CT1 Cal Const A | Alt1 CT2 Comp Type | Alt2 CT2 Cal Const B |
V4Ncal | I2Ocal_q | I2cal | V3Ocal | CT1 Cal Const B | Alt1 CT2 I Nominal | Alt2 CT2 Cal Const C |
I1Ncal | I3Ocal_q | I2Kcal | V4Ocal | CT1 Cal Const C | Alt1 CT2 V Nominal | Alt2 CT2 Name Tag |
I2Ncal | V1Ncal_o | I2Off | VX_Force | CT1 Name Tag | Alt1 CT2 Cal Const A | Alt2 CT3 Comp Type |
I3Ncal | V2Ncal_o | I2Ucal | Vx1cal | CT2 Comp Type | Alt1 CT2 Cal Const B | Alt2 CT3 I Nominal |
I1Ocal | V3Ncal_o | I2x20cal | Vx1dc | CT2 I Nominal | Alt1 CT2 Cal Const C | Alt2 CT3 V Nominal |
I2Ocal | V4Ncal_o | I3cal | Vx2cal | CT2 V Nominal | Alt1 CT2 Name Tag | Alt2 CT3 Cal Const A |
I3Ocal | I1Ncal_o | I3Kcal | Vx2dc | CT2 Cal Const A | Alt1 CT3 Comp Type | Alt2 CT3 Cal Const B |
I4Ocal | I1Ocal_o | I3Ocal | Vx3cal | CT2 Cal Const B | Alt1 CT3 I Nominal | Alt2 CT3 Cal Const C |
I5Ocal | I2Ncal_o | I3Off | Vx3dc | CT2 Cal Const C | Alt1 CT3 V Nominal | Alt2 CT3 Name Tag |
V1Ncal_2 | I2Ocal_o | I3Ucal | Vx4cal | CT2 Name Tag | Alt1 CT3 Cal Const A | CT1bSmooth |
V2Ncal_2 | I3Ncal_o | I3x20cal | Vx4dc | CT3 Comp Type | Alt1 CT3 Cal Const B | CT1cSmooth |
V3Ncal_2 | I3Ocal_o | I4cal | V1 User Cal | CT3 I Nominal | Alt1 CT3 Cal Const C | CT2aSmooth |
V4Ncal_2 | I4Ocal_o | I4Kcal | V2 User Cal | CT3 V Nominal | Alt1 CT3 Name Tag | CT2bSmooth |
I1Ncal_2 | I5Ocal_o | I4Ncal | V3 User Cal | CT3 Cal Const A | Alt2 CT1 Comp Type | CT2cSmooth |
I2Ncal_2 | V_Force | I4Off | I1N User Cal | CT3 Cal Const B | Alt2 CT1 I Nominal | CT3aSmooth |
I3Ncal_2 | V4_Force | I4Ucal | I2N User Cal | CT3 Cal Const C | Alt2 CT1 V Nominal | CT3bSmooth |
I1Ocal_2 | I_Force | I5Kcal | I3N User Cal | CT3 Name Tag | Alt2 CT1 Cal Const A | CT3cSmooth |
I2Ocal_2 | I4_Force | I5Kcalv | I1O User Cal | Alt1 CT1 Comp Type | Alt2 CT1 Cal Const B | |
I3Ocal_2 | I5_Force | I5Ncal | I2O User Cal | Alt1 CT1 I Nominal | Alt2 CT1 Cal Const C | |
I4Ocal_2 | I1cal | I5Ucal | I3O User Cal | Alt1 CT1 V Nominal | Alt2 CT1 Name Tag | |
I5Ocal_2 | I1Kcal | V1cal | NomFreqNum | Alt1 CT1 Cal Const A | Alt2 CT2 Comp Type | |
I1Ncal_q | I1Off | V1Ocal | CT1 Comp Type | Alt1 CT1 Cal Const B | Alt2 CT2 I Nominal |
Output registers
Comm Change Pending
This register indicates whether or not there is a pending change to the COM1 - COM4 Enabled or Ethernet Enabled registers. A value of yes indicates that there are changes pending; no indicates that there are no changes pending.
If there are changes pending, they will take effect the next time the device is power cycled.
All events produced by the Factory Module are recorded in the Event register. Possible events and their associated priority numbers are shown in the following table:
Event priority group | Priority | Description |
Setup Change | 10 | Input links, setup registers or labels have changed. |
Remote display disconnect/ connect | 25 | A remote display has been connected or disconnected from your meter. |
The Event output register stores the following information for each ION event: time stamp, priority, cause, effect, and any values or conditions associated with the cause and effect.
The following output registers contain calibration information for use by the factory:
- Factory Cal Temp
- User Cal Temp
Responses to special conditions
The following table summarizes how the Factory Module behaves under different conditions:
Condition | Response of output registers |
When the meter is started or powered-up (either the first time, or after a shutdown). | All output registers retain the values they held when the meter was shutdown. |