Web Page Module
The Web Page Module is used to create custom web pages for your power meter.
Module icon
Each meter comes with a set of default pages. With the Web Page Module you can create additional pages with parameters you specify. These custom pages are available in both HTML and XML formats. For comprehensive information on using the Web Page module, see the WebMeter Internal Web Server Feature technical note.
NOTE: The registers and settings available in this module depend on the device or node you are configuring, as well as its firmware and template versions. Not all registers or settings are available on all devices or the Virtual Processor, and labels may vary.
These inputs are the values that the Web Page Module takes and displays on the custom web page.
Setup registers
Page Title
This register determines the title for the customized web (HTML) page. It also appears as an element on the XML page. The value range for this register is 0 to 80 characters. The default values are Web Page Module 1, Web Page Module 2, etc.
Page Location
This register specifies the location (or address) of the web page. The value range for this register is 0 to 80 alphanumeric characters (dash and dot allowed); the default values are webpage1 for Web Page Module 1, webpage2 for Web Page Module 2, et cetera.
For example: If Page Location = webpage1 and meter IP Address = then the page would be located at (for HTML version) and (for XML version).
XSLT Stylesheet
This optional register specifies the URL where an XSLT stylesheet is located. This value is written to the XML web page, as a reference. When the XML page is loaded in the browser the stylesheet is applied to the XML code much like a Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) works with HTML. The value range can vary from 0 to 255 characters, and is blank by default.
NOTE: This register is only applicable for XML web pages.
Gatewayed Device
The string value in this register is used as the namespace attribute in the Page element of XML pages generated by the module. The default value is default. When it is set to default, the namespace attribute of the Page element inherits the value from the Factory module's Device Namespace setup register. The value range for this string is up to 80 characters; these characters must be alphanumeric but can also include a dash (hyphen) or a dot (period). For examples, refer to the WebMeter Internal Web Server Feature technical note.
NOTE: This register is only applicable for XML web pages.
NOTE: A namespace uniquely identifies a set of names so that there is no ambiguity when objects with different origins but the same names are mixed together. A namespace is commonly given the name of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) - such as a web site address - both because the namespace may be associated with the site or page of that URI (for example, a company name) and because a URI is likely to be a unique name.
Gatewayed Device
The string value in this register is used as the name attribute in the Page element of XML messages generated by the module. The default value is default. When it is set to default, the name attribute of the Page element inherits the value from the Factory module's Device Name setup register. The value range for this string is up to 80 characters; these characters must be alphanumeric but can also include a dash (hyphen) or a dot (period).
NOTE: This register is only applicable for XML web pages.
NOTE: If only one meter is used for sending XML data, then Gatewayed Device Name and Gatewayed Device Namespace can remain at default: the meter's Factory module can supply the necessary identification since there are no gatewayed devices. However, these registers are particularly important when a device is collecting data from multiple gatewayed devices via Modbus Master - each gatewayed device's XML data can be uniquely identified.
HTML Refresh Rate
The register's value, which is inserted into an HTML META tag on the webpages, indicates how often to update the web page when viewed in a browser. The value range, specified in seconds, is 0 to 604800 (i.e. up to one week). A value of 0 indicates no refresh; this is the default value. Most users will not need to change this value.
HTTP Expires
This register specifies when the web page expires. This value is inserted into the HTTP header, providing a "caching clue" for proxy servers and browsers. The value range, specified in seconds, is 0 to 604800 (i.e. up to one week). The default value for this register is 2 seconds. Most users will not need to change this value.
Output registers
All events are recorded in the Event register.
Possible events and their associated priority numbers are:
Event priority group |
Priority |
Description |
Setup Change |
10 |
Input links, setup registers or labels have changed. |
The Event output register stores the following information for each ION event: time stamp, priority, cause, effect, and any values or conditions associated with the cause and effect.
Detailed module operation
HTML web pages
The Web Page module generates an HTML web page with the following information:
Title | |
Label | Value |
Label | Value |
Label | Value |
Label | Value |
Label | Value |
Label | Value |
This table automatically gets the data for "Label" and "Value" from the Source inputs.
XML web pages
The XML version of the web page will display only XML code in the browser unless it is linked to an XSLT stylesheet. The meter also maintains a catalog.xml page that contains links to all Web resources on the meter, including both the fixed pages and the Web Page module pages. This page is available for each meter at the URL http://<meterIP>/catalog.xml.