Factory information

The Factory module displays firmware version, serial number and other device information in read-only setup registers (read-only registers can be viewed but not changed) or configurable information in read/write setup registers.

Factory Module settings

The device information provided is as follows:

Setup register Description
Device Type A device type identifier (for example, “8650” for the ION8650)
Compliance A statement of whether the device is ION compliant or not
Options Shows model number of meter
Revision The meter’s firmware version
Serial Num The meter’s serial number
ION Version The ION version supported by the device
Template The name of the template (framework) installed on the device at the factory
Nom Freq The expected frequency of the power system being monitored
MAC Address Media Access Control address1
Feature Set The feature set of the meter (ION8650A, ION8650B or ION8650C)

1 The MAC address of your meter cannot be changed; it is for information only.

The Factory module also holds the alternate PT and CT values, which can scale operational values on revenue-locked meters (see Scaled operational values and numerous read-only setup registers that hold the calibration constants used at the factory.

TAG your meter

Three configurable read/write setup registers are provided for you to enter your company name and other text information you want stored in the meter:

  • Owner: A text register for storing user information (for example, company name). It can be up to 255 characters in length.
  • Tag 1: A text register for storing user information (for example, device location). It can be up to 15 characters in length.
  • Tag 2: A text register for storing user information (for example, device number or identifier). It can be up to 15 characters in length.

NOTE: Tag 2, if entered, it is used as the default MV-90 Device ID. Refer to the MV-90 and ION Technology technical note for more information.