Factory information
The Factory module displays firmware version, serial number and other device information in read-only setup registers (read-only registers can be viewed but not changed) or configurable information in read/write setup registers.
Factory Module settings
The device information provided is as follows:
Setup register | Description |
Device Type | A device type identifier (for example, “8650” for the ION8650) |
Compliance | A statement of whether the device is ION compliant or not |
Options | Shows model number of meter |
Revision | The meter’s firmware version |
Serial Num | The meter’s serial number |
ION Version | The ION version supported by the device |
Template | The name of the template (framework) installed on the device at the factory |
Nom Freq | The expected frequency of the power system being monitored |
MAC Address | Media Access Control address1 |
Feature Set | The feature set of the meter (ION8650A, ION8650B or ION8650C) |
1 The MAC address of your meter cannot be changed; it is for information only.
The Factory module also holds the alternate PT and CT values, which can scale operational values on revenue-locked meters (see Scaled operational values and numerous read-only setup registers that hold the calibration constants used at the factory.
TAG your meter
Three configurable read/write setup registers are provided for you to enter your company name and other text information you want stored in the meter:
- Owner: A text register for storing user information (for example, company name). It can be up to 255 characters in length.
- Tag 1: A text register for storing user information (for example, device location). It can be up to 15 characters in length.
- Tag 2: A text register for storing user information (for example, device number or identifier). It can be up to 15 characters in length.
NOTE: Tag 2, if entered, it is used as the default MV-90 Device ID. Refer to the MV-90 and ION Technology technical note for more information.