Viewing historical (trend) data

The Diagrams application provides a Web-based graphing utility for viewing historical data in the diagrams. This utility allows you to select the date range and the data that you want to view.

  1. Click the meter icon to open its diagram, then click the link or tab that contains the button for the trending information you want to view.
  2. Click the Data Log Viewer button that corresponds to the data log you want to view.

    The data log table displays today's data by default.

    When the data log table opens, 30 rows of data are displayed initially. As you scroll or page down, 30 additional rows of data at a time are added to the table.

  3. Click Change Date Range to change the timeframe for the data and select one of the available options for the data that you want to view. To specify a custom date range, select Between these dates then click the calendar icons to set start and end dates.

    The new date range is applied when you view the graph. Click Show Table to return to the data log table. (When you return to the data log table, your previous table header selections are cleared.)

    If you select a custom date range, a maximum of 6000 rows of data are displayed initially. If the custom date range includes more than 6000 rows of data, you can display the additional records in increments of 30 rows at a time by scrolling down or pressing End.

  4. Select the check boxes for the items in the table header for the parameters that you want to graph.
  5. Click Show Graph.
  6. Manipulate and control the displayed graph by doing the following:
    1. To zoom in on the graph, left click and drag the mouse pointer around the portion you want to zoom in on.
    2. To restore the graph to its original display size, double-click anywhere in the graph.
  7. Click:
    1. Device Diagram to return to that page.
    2. Change Date Range to select a different date range for the data log table. The new date range is applied when you view the graph.
    3. Show Table to return to the data log table. (When you return to the data log table, your previous table header selections are cleared.)


RMS waveform plotting

The Diagrams application plots the calculated root mean square (RMS) values for waveforms.

Related topics:

For information on how to configure Diagrams, see Diagrams and graphics configuration.