Power Quality Performance diagrams

NOTE: These diagrams are part of the Power Quality Performance Module. This Module requires a separate license. The module must be configured before the diagrams can be used.

Power Quality Performance diagrams provide an overview of the power quality of your system. Two sets of Vista diagrams are available; indicator diagrams and equipment diagrams:

  • Indicator diagrams present an aggregated and simplified view of historical power quality data.
  • Equipment diagrams provide a real-time summary of the operational status of the corrective equipment installed in support of your system.


inaccurate data results

Do not incorrectly configure the software or the devices.
Do not base your maintenance or service actions solely on messages and information displayed by the software.
Do not rely solely on software messages and reports to determine if the system is functioning correctly or meeting all applicable standards and requirements.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.


NOTE: See Power Quality Performance events and disturbances, in the Reference section of this document, for a definition of power quality events.

For details on the diagrams, see:

Related topics:

For information on how to configure Diagrams, see Diagrams and graphics configuration.