Time synchronization

To maintain accurate time in the monitoring system, the devices must be time synchronized. Depending on the synchronization mechanism, different levels of time accuracy can be achieved. PME has the ability to synchronize devices to the PME server computer clock. This can be done over serial networks and Ethernet networks. See Time synchronization for ION meters and Time synchronization blackout for more details.

The time synchronization to the computer clock using the regular communications protocols can maintain a system time accuracy in the range of seconds. This is accurate enough for many applications. However, for applications such as power event analysis or protection coordination studies, that require high absolute and relative time accuracy, you need to use other time synchronization methods for the devices, such as PTP or GPS time synchronization.

NOTE: Time synchronization might be disabled by default in certain monitoring devices. Configure time synchronization for your devices and the software as part of the device or system deployment. Choose a single time synchronization source per device.

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