Default front panel display screens

Each mode of operation (NORM, ALT and TEST) has its own display screens, providing various power system data and meter properties screens.

NORM mode display screens

The meter comes factory-configured with the NORM mode displays detailed below. If the settings in the Scroll module have not been altered, each screen is displayed for five seconds (if no front panel buttons are pressed).

Display scrolling is suspended when a front panel button is pressed, allowing you to manually scroll through the display screens using the up or down arrow buttons. If required, refer to Front panel features for more instructions on using the front panel buttons.

  • kWh: This screen displays kWh delivered and received values.
  • kVARh: This screen displays kVARh delivered and received values.
  • kVAh: This screen displays kVAh delivered and received values.
  • Peak Demand Delivered: This screen displays the maximum delivered kW, kVAR, kVA values and a timestamp of when the peak occurred. These values are sliding window (rolling block) demand calculations.
  • Peak Demand Reset Count: This screen displays a count of the number of demand resets executed as well as a timestamp of the latest peak demand reset.
  • Q Metering: This screen displays approximated VARh measurements, one phase (60 degrees) behind the normal watthour connection (90° - 330° and 150° - 270°).
  • Disk Simulator: This display simulates the behavior of a mechanical watt-hour meter indicating power received or delivered by the direction of the pulse.
  • All Segments: This is a screen test where a black screen showing all segments (all pixels on) indicates that the display is functioning properly.

ALT mode default display screens

The meter comes factory-configured with the ALT mode displays detailed below. If the settings in the Scroll module have not been altered, each screen is displayed for five seconds if no front panel buttons are pressed (until five minutes have elapsed).

Viewing ALT display modes

  1. Press the Alt/Enter button once to toggle between the NORM and ALT display modes.
  2. Press the up or down arrow buttons to scroll back or forth through the displays.

    If no buttons are pressed, the meter reverts to NORM mode after five minutes.

    NOTE: These screens vary depending on the firmware version on the meter and custom display configuration.

  • Name Plate 1: The Name Plate 1 screen contains information on owner, TAG1, TAG2, battery life, and firmware version and feature set of the meter.
  • TAG1 and TAG2 typically identify the meter’s user and installed location. The Owner and TAG registers are located in the Factory module and are configurable with Power Monitoring Expert or ION Setup. See TAG your meter.

  • Name Plate 2: This screen displays the following information for the current sliding window (rolling block) demand settings:


Sliding Window (Rolling Block)


Length of the demand period multiplied by the number of demand periods


Length of the demand period


Clock synchronization source

MAX (kW)

Maximum kW Demand¹

¹ The MAX (kW) value is a maximum allowable demand level based on installed transformer configurations and nominal voltages and currents.

  • Event Log: The Event Log screen displays up to four of the most recent, high priority events (priority 255 only). The date, a timestamp, an event description, and an event code are provided for each event displayed. If more than four high priority events have been recorded, the Event Log screen indicates additional logs exist. Refer to Data logging for more details.
  • Phasor Diagram: This screen shows phasors and numeric values for each phase current and phase voltage measurement.
  • Instantaneous Voltage: This screen shows the phase voltage and average voltage (line-to-neutral or line-to-line voltage, depending on the meter’s service type).
  • Instantaneous Current: This screen shows the phase current and average current values.
  • Instantaneous Power: This screen shows kW total, kVAR total, kVA total and signed Power Factor total values.
  • Instantaneous Demand: This screen shows kW delivered and received from the sliding window (rolling block) demand calculation.
  • Voltage Harmonics: These screens show per-phase voltage harmonic histograms.
  • Current Harmonics: These screens show per-phase current harmonic histograms.
  • Instantaneous Demand: This screen shows kW delivered and received.
  • Flicker (ION8650A and ION8650B only): This screen displays flicker measurements from V1, V2 and V3.
  • Frequency: This screen displays frequency information.

ALT mode Time of Use (TOU) display screens

The ALT mode TOU display screens are factory-configured to show Time of Use (TOU) data. The measurements displayed originate from frameworks of modules that are linked to a TOU module. By default, only one season is configured in the sample TOU schedule; until you configure other seasons, all data appears under that one season. For details about the TOU module, refer to the ION Reference.

By default, all demand values result from sliding window (rolling block) calculations.

NOTE: The following abbreviations are used on the TOU display screens:

PB = Past Billing period. A billing period is the time between two consecutive meter readings for billing purposes by a utility.

PS = Previous Season. Billing Seasons are defined in the TOU module description in the ION Reference.

  • Active TOU Rate: This screen shows which of the valid TOU billing rates is active.
  • Active TOU Season: This screen shows which TOU billing season is currently active.
  • TOU Energy by Rate: This screen shows kWh delivered values for each TOU rate.
  • kW Peak Demand: These screens display the maximum kW delivered value for each TOU rate. These values result from sliding window (rolling block) demand calculations.
  • Past Billing Energy: This screen displays the kWh delivered values for each TOU rate in the previous billing period.
  • Past Billing Peak Demand: These screens display the maximum kW delivered value for each TOU rate in the previous billing period. These values result from sliding window (rolling block) demand calculations.
  • Past Season Energy: This screen displays the kWh delivered for each TOU rate in the past billing season. These values result from sliding window (rolling block) demand calculations.
  • Past Season Peak Demand: These screens display the maximum kW delivered for each TOU rate in the past billing season.
  • Past Billing/Season Energy: These screens display the kWh delivered and received values in the past billing period and billing season.
  • Past Bill/ Season Pk Demand: These screens show the maximum kW received values in the past billing period and billing season. These values result from a sliding window (rolling block) demand calculation.
  • Past Billing/Season Energy: These screens display the kVARh delivered and received values in the past billing period and billing season.
  • Past Bill/Season Pk Demand: These screens display the maximum kVAR delivered and received values in the past billing period and billing season. These values result from a sliding window (rolling block) demand calculation.
  • Past Billing/Season Energy: These screens display the kVAh delivered and received values in the past billing period and billing season.
  • Past Bill/Season Pk Demand: These screens display the maximum kVA delivered and received values in the past billing period and billing season. These values result from a sliding window (rolling block) demand calculation.

TEST mode default display screens

The values shown in the TEST mode display screens represent different accumulators than those shown in NORM mode (although they perform some of the same basic measurements). The TEST mode display values are for the purpose of checking accuracy; they only accumulate while the meter is in TEST mode.

Viewing TEST mode

There are two ways to switch the meter into TEST mode depending on the type of meter you have:

  • Standard meter (without hardware lock): You must use Power Monitoring Expert or ION Setup; refer to Switching to TEST mode.
  • Standard hardware-locked meter: You must remove the cover from the meter and press the TEST mode button; refer to Performing a master reset from the front panel for detailed instructions on removing the meter’s cover.

When the meter is in TEST mode, the front panel cycles through four TEST mode display screens:

  • kWh Test: This screen shows TEST mode kWh delivered and received values.
  • kVARh/KVAh Test: This screen shows TEST mode kVARh/KVAh delivered and received values.
  • Instantaneous Demand Test: This screen shows TEST mode kW delivered and received values. Both quantities are produced from a sliding window (rolling block) demand calculation. This value is reset if the demand reset switch is turned while the device is in TEST mode.