Adding a template

Add a template to customize the information that is included in the alarm notification messages. The new template will be available in the notification rule wizard when adding or editing a rule.

NOTE: You can customize the notes text and hyperlink text that is included in a message. You cannot customize the alarm details information in the message.

To add a template:

  1. In Notification Manager, select the Templates tab, and then click Add Template to open the Add Template window.

    TIP: Click Duplicate or use the Duplicate Template command, in the right-click context menu, to duplicate an existing template.

  2. Enter the following information:
    • Template Name: The name that is displayed in the templates table and the Message Template drop-down box.
    • Note: The text that is included in the email, SMS, or SNMP message, after the alarm details information.
    • Link: (Optional) A hyperlink that is included in the email, SMS, or SNMP message, after the alarm details information and after the Note text.
  3. Click OK.

NOTE: You can also add templates though the notification rule wizard when adding or editing a rule. Use the same process as described in steps 2-3 above.

Related Topics:

Event Notification Module configuration






For reference information see: