
An event is a record of an activity or a condition that is logged in PME. Events are generated by users, the system software, or the connected devices. Examples of events include resetting a measurement, logging into PME, making a configuration change in a device, or a setpoint going active on a device. Some of these events are logged automatically, for others logging must be setup manually. Each event record that is logged has a timestamp and several fields that describe the activity. Each event record describes one single activity or condition, for example, a setpoint going active in a monitoring device.

Events are logged and displayed as they happen in the system without any processing or aggregation. For example, an Over Voltage setpoint going active and then inactive in a device will cause 3 events to be logged, one for the pickup, one for the dropout, and one for the extreme voltage value measured during the time the setpoint was active.

Here is an example of the event records for an over voltage setpoint:

Source Timestamp Event Condition Measurement Value Type
My.Device 8/10/2017 1:44:53.000 PM Over Voltage ON Voltage Phase A 145.740 Pick up
My.Device 8/10/2017 1:44:53.000 PM Over Voltage Extreme Voltage Phase A 145.740 Instantaneous
My.Device 8/10/2017 1:45:39.000 PM Over Voltage OFF Voltage Phase A 125.230 Drop out

PME uses event records to determine alarm types and states.

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For reference information see:

For information on how to configure Alarms, see Alarms configuration.