Viewing incidents
View incidents to investigate system issues, to analyze what happened during a power disturbance or to identify root causes.
To view incidents:
- In the alarm viewer, open an existing incident view from the view library or add a new View.
- View the incident information displayed in the alarms display pane.
(Optional) In the view library, right-click the view name or click Options, and select Edit to open the view settings. You can also open the view settings by double-clicking the view name. Adjust the settings for View Type, Priority, State, Sources, and Categories to customize the view if necessary. Save the modified view settings or click Cancel to discard the changes.
Related topics:
- Viewing incidents
- Viewing alarms
- Viewing events
- Viewing Disturbance Direction
- Viewing Load Impact
- Viewing a timeline analysis
- Viewing Voltage Tolerance
- Viewing waveforms
- Acknowledging alarms
For reference information see:
- Alarm Operation
- Incidents
- Alarms
- Events
- Disturbance Direction
- Load Impact
- Timeline analysis
- Voltage Tolerance
- Waveforms
- Waveform analytics
- Alarms terminology
- Alarms UI
- Timeline analysis UI
- Waveforms UI
For information on how to configure Alarms, see Alarms configuration.